The “Real” Trump is Set to Emerge – IOTW Report

The “Real” Trump is Set to Emerge

All just an act? Trump’s team tells GOP he has been ‘projecting an image’ and ‘the part he’s been playing is now evolving’ into one that will attract more general election voters

  • Donald Trump’s chief lieutenants told skeptical Republican leaders on Thursday that Trump will moderate his tone in the coming months
  • The message was delivered behind closed doors in a private briefing 
  • Trump’s team said the GOP frontrunner is ‘evolving’ in a way that will improve his standing among general election voters


40 Comments on The “Real” Trump is Set to Emerge

  1. Trump 2.0, Ya know touch-back amnesty would not be good for the environment. Imagine the fossil fuel use with all the illegals going home and coming back legally! I am for the environment, so instead I will have the illegals fill out a one page form. Trump is pro environment!

  2. Trump 2.0, Abortion is bad…Ya know I have grandchildren? It should only be permitted if the woman feels she can safely use the female designated restroom. Ya know what I mean, right Sean?
    Hannity: Donald, in my house we only have unisex bathrooms.
    Trump: Sean, in your case I’ll make an executive exception.

  3. So, is the “source” for this article Trump’s staff. . . OR the so called “skeptical GOP leaders” some of whom openly prefer Hilary over Trump?

    Sure, somebody’s lying. The question is whom?

  4. Trump may be crazy.
    But its crazy like a Fox.
    He has made the Media his bitch.
    And he cranks up those who hate him in such delightful ways.
    I hope he wins so I can enjoy the apoplexy of many on this site.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’ll gladly accept Cruz if he wins, and I admit he would be a great President in his own right.
    But I want to see it all kicked over.
    I want those fat bastards lobbyists and Political analysts competing with John Smallberries for mid level management jobs at Yoyodyne.
    I want to see the asshole Leftist Media pukes shit themselves trying to gin up today’s new outrage about Trump on the Morning shows.

    American Politics is like a huge Hornet’s nest and has become way too big and way too old and way too comfortable in its dominance.
    Trump has jammed a road flare directly in the center of all that.
    That is why I like him

  5. Lazlo. That’s the core reason I’m voting for The Donald. You succinctly summed it up PERFECTLY versus my simpleton explanation for supporting him, “He pisses off all the right people.” ?

  6. Lol! The only people who buy this bs are the same people who actually believe he’ll round up 11 million people and deport them. He’s a pandering elitist NY liberal, always has been, always will.

  7. This is news? Which candidate for President, other than the war heroes, did not do what the times required, to get elected?

    That he is speaking soberly to an untrustworthy GOP, which most of us are disgusted with, is a sight to behold. After losing twice to an imbecile kenyan, that half the country absolutely despises, how does the GOP have any credibility?

    Stay tuned. The Republic is at stake.

  8. All the political geniuses, if they had lowered themselves to listen to even one of his speeches or interviews (like yesterday’s with Matt Lauer) would have heard him say the same thing. The subject refers to his shifting from necessary cage match mode (candidate directed) to so-called “Presidential” mode (world leader directed). And to think we could have had “Presidential” Yeb! or Rubio (making porn jokes) or Scruz (mimicking actor Michael Douglas).

  9. This site is so different than it was when I first started visiting a few years ago. People have turned on one another in support of Cruz or Trump. What happened?

  10. ‘You’ll start to see more depth of the person, the real person. You’ll see a real different guy.’

    ‘He gets it,’ Manafort said of Trump’s need to moderate his personality. ‘The part that he’s been playing is evolving into the part that now you’ve been expecting, but he wasn’t ready for, because he had first to complete the first phase.’

    THIS is “news”?!?!?!?
    PSST! Answer: NO.

    NO comment about policies, just STYLE.

    Cruz supporters are reading WAAAAY too much into this.

  11. (satire)

    (facts: CRUZ 23%, Kasich 21%, Trump 41%)

    (facts: CRUZ 26%, Kasich 23%, Trump 46%)

    …and so the Göbbels media goes….

  12. Politicians, for better or for worse, have to alter course in their progress to elections, and they all do it. When you see your ship heading for the shoals, you either change course or shipwreck. Let us compare:
    1. Hillary shifts hourly, to whatever she perceives the voters want to hear…regardless of being outright lies or not. Total flimflam…
    2. Rubio shifts to the rolling surf of Latino voters….pissing off the rest of the electorate.
    3. Cruz resists altering course because he wants to pander to the right and give the illusion of steady as she goes..while scrambling the charts in the backroom to save his grifter.
    4. Trump knows he needs to change, and is smart enough to announce the change publicly, thus robbing the media of the GOTCHA moment, as well as his move.

  13. I agree, Trump truly lives in the heads of his followers. I have never seen so much rationalizing about what Trump is doing and why it isn’t counter to what he was saying and his followers were parroting just a month ago.

    Stay tuned as I am sure we will see even more rationalizing with each incremental move to the left that Trump makes. Add to that his move in with the establishment and it should make a great show to watch his followers spin like tops.

    Eventually it will be painfully obvious that his followers were the ones on the outside of this con and not actually on the inside.

  14. Apparently Woody has selective memory when it comes to Cruz changing his mind. First Cruz is handing out teddy bears to illegals coming in, then he changes it when he sees Trump getting more votes for being for border security. Cruz has done an about face on practically every issue – to try and sound more like Trump.

    Trump’s campaign is working within the rules, while the Cruz campaign is cheating every which way they can and then trying to rationalize it by calling it a “ground game.”

    Cruz is no better than what we already have. If anyone but Trump wins, the destruction of the US will continue apace.

  15. Cruz never gave an illegal a teddy bear.
    That lie was started by La Raza because they were mad at Trump for showing up and raining on their parade.
    So they portrayed him as doing the exact opposite of what he was doing.
    Gladys has a philosophy, if it sounds good to her, it is the absolute truth. No need to ever check facts.

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