The Rebuttal – IOTW Report

The Rebuttal

Needless to say, the internet is making fun of the scary looking Pelosi and Schumer.

23 Comments on The Rebuttal

  1. Schmuckie looks like Burgess Meredith as The Penguin in the old Batman series.

    @Bad_Brad, coffee, we’ve talked about it before. This place has exceptional coffee. The Cafe Special is the best coffee I ever had, medium dark and very smooth. The coffee with chicory is equally good. They have a bunch of other blends and will do military matching on some varieties. Ruby Tuesday serves the Cafe Special if you want to give it a try.

  2. Well, I was going to try and help distribute this on Twitter. But Alas I got sucked into a totally defensive battle with a bunch of faggots and got suspended. I AM, the worlds slowest learner.

  3. Fur, you da man, man! You totally NAILED IT!!

    (If you watched the “rebuttal” with the sound off — which was the only way I would watch it — it’s fascinating. Schumer’s lips were moving but Nancy was talking. I’m not kidding!)

  4. They didn’t have to listen to the speech – Trump lied, immigrant kids died.

    I am so sick of national security issues being debated as personal preferences of politicians. This border issue, to coin a phrase, is a clear and present danger to our country and its way of life.

  5. The BIG rebuttal is that they want government bureaucrats to not miss a paycheck ??
    Do Democrats actually listen to their own arguments?
    What is at stake here : missing a paycheck versus the sovereignty and safety of the nation?


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