The Replacement of Obamacare – THE TRUMP PLAN – IOTW Report

The Replacement of Obamacare – THE TRUMP PLAN

It will most likely be the Price Bill-


ht/ C. Steven Tucker

18 Comments on The Replacement of Obamacare – THE TRUMP PLAN

  1. Bad idea tackling this in the first 100 days.
    1. get rid of all executive orders from obama
    2. fix tax code
    4. Let every Democrat stay on Obama Care and let everyone who voted Trump go on his new plan and let the people decide which is better!

  2. what about competition between states? Every state is it’s own insurance monopoly.
    If you don’t change this nothing and I mean nothing will change. Costs will continue to rise. end of story.

  3. This should go a long ways toward repairing the damage from years of tinkering and the big intrusion from Obamacare.

    I imagine the democrats aren’t going to take it lying down, or lying up for that matter.

  4. “And Price’s plan, which seeks to create a consumer-driven health care model and is already in legislative language, is very similar to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way” health care reform outline released earlier this year.”

    According to Lou Dobb’s (12/1/16), Ryan has been responsible for only 3 pieces of legislation (being passed?) in his whole 17 years’ on the payroll. Does anyone else strongly suspect his “Better Way” legislative proposals (which suddenly and conveniently parallel President-elect Trump’s “Make America Great Again” platform) are a plagiarized attempt at setting himself and his cronies, like Kevin McCarthy (who is another piece of work), up as the real agents of change?

    If you want to watch some memorable interviews that expose Paul Ryan as the Chief RINO who works diligently against the interests of Americans and their health and safety, take a listen to Dobb’s interview with Jim Jordan 11/30) and the new chair of the House Freedom Caucus (whose name I can’t recall) from last night 12/1. Both are on YT (Dobbs 11/30, Dobbs 12/1).

    And if you don’t already know about it, Ryan’s “Better Way” is a direct response to Trump’s plans but there is zero reason for Congressional Republican leadership — led by Ryan — to invoke their own, ahem, “ideas” that are wholly redundant to their party’s leader. I smell a great bit rat-fink who, by the way, praised Pence, but wouldn’t give credit where it was due, over yesterday’s Carrier/United Technologies win.

  5. @Tsumani — I thought the “mandate” was cleared up in Trump’s initial healthcare platform. That aside, Price’s bill contemplates people who, for whatever reason, do not buy health insurance — because it talks about an 18 month waiting period for preexisting conditions for those who have not had health insurance for a preceding length of time and how immediate coverage of preexisting conditions is how people gamed the the system by not getting coverage until they needed it. So, in an indirect way, the proposed legislation assumes there are people who will not choose to buy health insurance and for the uninsured there will be block grants made to the states, as I understand it, similar to those made for medicare.

    And, no, the government will not be involved in healthcare vis “socialized medicine” (you can’t keep your doctor or your plan). But purists will be disappointed that the gov’t will be involved to the extent they regulate both the insurance industry and the doctors/medicine/device/medical education pieces.

  6. Tsunami! Have you become a NeverTrumpster like Ann Coulter? Shame on you for not rubber stamping everyone Trump picks, everything He says and everything He does!

  7. @AA
    In addition to Jordan, I noticed Chris Collins seems to have become a weak sister when Dobbs speaks the truth about Ryan. Collins, who was such a loyal supporter of Trump throughout appears almost scared to speak against Ryan.
    I think nothing has changed when it comes to congress members hedging their future bets. I’m sure they all got together and agreed to support Trump when it benefits themselves, otherwise they are of the mind, “Trump will be here 4 maybe 8 years. As for me and mine, the sky’s the limit. We gotta stick together”.
    Term limits? Never gonna happen.

  8. @Yo Hadrian — Thanks, I forgot it was Collins. And you’re right, he seemed very reluctant to call out Ryan. But I am loving Dobb’s calling them all out. I hope he stays on them. We need to get rid of everyone in D.C. who is feathering their own nest.

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