The Right Heckles Kevin De Leon Leftist Style – More of This Please – IOTW Report

The Right Heckles Kevin De Leon Leftist Style – More of This Please

Remember the lawless California pol who said half his family is illegal and uses false identification?

The right is heckling him in public.

We need more of this.

ht/ bad brad

24 Comments on The Right Heckles Kevin De Leon Leftist Style – More of This Please

  1. The left believes something is acceptable because it’s been around for the last thirty years. Well there have been laws against it for the last thirty years. Let’s enforce our immigration laws for the next thirty years and the left will accepted them.

  2. “Shame on you” “Lawbreaker”

    No silly meaningless talking point slurs. Where are the stupid costumes? Why didn’t anyone throw stuff at him or try to damage his car?

    Oh, right. We’re the good guys 🙂

  3. As a victim of Identity theft, this infuriates the hell out of me. The smug attitude this bastid shows as if Identity theft or obtaining false ID’s was some minor victimless crime. He needs to be charged with conspiracy-aiding and abetting a felony. The thought that these parasites are here illegally and then ruin citizens lives and steal benefits is unacceptable and this POS needs to be held accountable!

  4. Could someone arrest this man for identity theft? Condoning a crime is punishable by the Bar association. Someone call the Ca Attorney General and demand that they arrest him. Also fake identification / documents is a deportable offense in pub. law 82-414, section 237.

  5. Deporting ALL illegal aliens out of California would be a big step in correcting this states course. If the truth were to be known I imagine that voter block gets him and others elected and keeps them there. This guy should just come out and say he works for the Mexican Government.

  6. I wonder how many times his illegal family members have illegally voted in elections with their stolen IDs. There’s at least several people right there who illegally voted for hillary the criminal.

  7. Kevin d Leon………is an insult to the California taxpayers. He is the one responsible for the SB54 …the bill that Governor Jerry Brown signed making California a “Sanctuary State”….protecting illegal immigrants. Using California taxpayers money in more ways than one in assisting illegal immigrants..What a disgrace.

  8. Kevin d Leon should go to Mexico….take all the illegal immigrants with him and try to run Mexico…like he is trying to run California.
    Insult the President of Mexico like he does the US President and make “MEXICO a Sanctuary Country”. See how far that would get him!!
    CA Taxpayers v. Kevin d Leon

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