The RINO’s Last Chance To Save Themselves – IOTW Report

The RINO’s Last Chance To Save Themselves

It has become common wisdom that if congressional republicans fail to nominate judge Brett Kavanaugh, then they will lose the House and the Senate come November.

When it comes to the performance of our federal legislative branch, “one out of three” will have to do for now. That one being, putting originalist jurist on the Supreme Court. The two misses are the border wall and Obamacare repeal. More

25 Comments on The RINO’s Last Chance To Save Themselves

  1. “Nosiree Bob!… I’d rather die in a communist Gulag with my perfect conservative bona fides intact than compromise my principals and support people like Trump in order to help the US stay a sovereign nation with a bill of rights applied to all of its citizens.”

    – Typical shit-for-brains , self-worshiping, head up his ass, “Rock Ribbed” Republican

  2. I have called and emailed both my Senators (one D and one R) to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh. If the Republican (Todd Young) does not do this, then just what the hell is he doing there ?

    Start showing some fucking balls, everyone. RINOS should be an extinct species!

  3. I’m tired of some of us demanding that we fight “with out pinkies up”, like some afternoon tea swilling girly-men. We’re once again seeing how the demonrats fight, and yet we decry their tactics without adequately protecting ourselves, or hitting back. Kick the bastards in the balls (yes, including Mazie and DiFi)and take names.
    Maybe some of our ‘betters’ need to read Alinksy and grow a pair along with a backbone.

  4. I know these assholes are suddenly concerned about how much of their power they’ve ceded to the Executive branch, but denying the President his pick–and theirs, really–is cowardly and childish. It’s just cutting off the nose to spite the face.

  5. As much as Flake might want (past tense) to have played the “John ‘Thumbs Down’ McCain” in this drama, my gut tells me he isn’t going to leave the Senate with this around his neck…though it mostly depends on whose contracts he has lined up for January 2019.

  6. Great. Somebody finally telling it like it is. He left out one thing though:

    “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

    Beware the Fury of a Patient Man– John Dryden

  7. It has become common wisdom that if congressional republicans fail to nominate judge Brett Kavanaugh, then they will lose the House and the Senate come November.” – Sean Davis

    NO, A$$H*LE, it is NOT “common knowledge’ outside of your quisling LOSER circle. It is *more* likely to set the Right ON FIRE to come out and vote, to DESTROY the Dems.

    So, SUCK IT with your defeatism.

  8. The repubes were in on the hit job from day one. They knew it was coming, they helped plan it. Knowing it was all a fraud and lie they could not bring them out during the hearing because Kavanaugh and his team would have had time to expose this liar. So they plotted to run out the clock and let the demorats spring it at the last second. Now Collins and Murkowski have cover, they are already signaling, THE WOMEN MUST BE HEARD!!! Its a fraud. I dont believe he will be confirmed (not nominated as stated above, that already happened) these filthy repubes set up Kavanaugh. SCUMBAGS.

  9. The “top” comment at the link made quite good points, unlike Davis:

    1. When a Liberal Pundit says, “What if this were your daughter?” You go right back at them and say, “What if it were your father or brother who was accused?”

    2. When they say that Kavanaugh is not fit for office, you go right back at them and say, “The Democrats supported Bill Clinton for 2 terms when he was accused of the same EXACT charges. Ted Kennedy murdered someone and I never saw one Democrat call for his resignation. And why is Keith Ellison still able to run in November?”

    3. When they accuse a Republican of not believing Dr Ford, you should go right back and say, “That’s not how the judicial system works as you are innocent until proven guilty. Right now it seems that you are guilty until proven innocent.”

  10. @Czar both Tucker and Rush have said the same thing in the last 24 hours – to me that’s common wisdom. It’s like hitting a stubborn mule over the head with a shovel. If that doesn’t get the message through, then perhaps it’s time to get a new mule.

    Starting with Republicans sitting on the Judiciary committee, vote them out in November if they are facing elections and primary the rest when it comes their time. We can’t have these people claim to represent us then failing to do so when it is expected of them.

  11. My guess is that Ford will find some reason to not show up on Thursday. That reason will probably be because the Republican Senators want to bring in a real lawyer (female) to question Ford, and the Democrats are already bitching about this. Ford’s story is even more likely to fall apart if the person doing the questioning has no public office to lose and no future election to worry about

    In which case, Grassley will look like a genius – Ford was given every opportunity to show up and didn’t. Even Flake and Collins will have a tough time not supporting Kavanaugh if this happens. The only realistic alternative is for the Democrats to throw Ford to the wolves, which they will in a heartbeat in order to save their own careers.

  12. TO Wyatt
    The deadline for Ford to deliver some of her docs is 5pm TODAY.
    If she doesn’t, or at latest 10am Wednesday (for the remainder of the docs), SHE AIN’T SHOWIN’.
    I would have been surprised if she DID…that li’l PERJURY thing and all.

    TO DrT
    If you mean those GOP Judiciary Committee members who vote “NO,” then yes, of course.
    I still don’t consider these 2 high-profile people saying this makes such poisonous defeatism “common knowledge”…it just makes them mouthpieces of hopelessness…and DOESN’T add validity to the notion.

  13. Is there some LAW that you have to call a psychotic, lying commie cunt a Dr. when she’s just a psychotic, lying commie cunt with a worthless indoctrination center piece of a dead tree? No one should put Dr. in front of her name, to hell with her and their “rules.”

  14. I agree with TN Tuxedo, I wonder if the RINOs really want to win. They seem much more comfortable being led by the Ds so they don’t have to stand for anything. The problem with voting them out in November is that you would have to vote for a D. That I WILL NOT DO.

    The time to vote them out was in the primary when we could have elected a true conservative that would work FOR their constituents instead of themselves.

  15. I think POTUS is in the process of remaking the Republican party. The “well I never” group will either have to get on board or be gone.

    Until he can accomplish this, it’s imperative we vote straight R because even if the candidate isn’t perfect, Trump will still have leverage over them. Bottom line, we have to totally eradicate the left. It won’t happen overnight, but I think it can happen.

  16. Weasels gonna wease.
    RINOs are pusillanimous cowardly twatwaffle shitweasels – it’s in their DNA.
    (you could look it up!)

    They are the festering boils on the ass of humanity – the back-benching, caterwauling, sweating, fainting, fart-sniffing, pant-shitting, putrid, plops of goose shit that creep out of the woodwork with the cockroaches, ticks, ants, and pecker gnats to eat the dick-spillage in the ransacked kitchen.
    They are the guys who suck the pustules from whore’s taints.
    They are the guys who will let some other guy fuck them in the ass on national TV just to be seen on national TV! And then blubber “not that there’s anything wrong with that!”

    CHEB! is their leader (I guess Bill Kristol’s second-in-command).
    They’ll stick their faces in wino’s shit bubbling in the gutter while Chuck Schumer kicks em in the balls for a meager slice of the take from stealing from the taxpayers.
    They have 49 different words for “I Surrender!” (none, of which, is in Italian).

    They tell us that they are all that stands between us and Venezuela while driving the car towards that abyss in a lower gear.

    They scare and crap themselves when the corrupt media asks them the most innocuous questions – only answering in temporizing, wheedling, weaselly whines.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Trump from birth went in having more money than brains. Never had to lie and cheat and demean like gutter trash politicians were raised. He was above them all from the start. That’s way he is hated and is their threat. projecting as a Republican was the only short trek way to win. If your a Democrat, your scared not being in your childish deluded mind for the first time. Rock, paper, scissors is for meaningless children. Grow the F’up. Let’s become the UNITED STATES for real for the first time, or else if that you have forgotten or the original wedgie from Hell.

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