The Rotten Fruit With a Vulgar Name They Loved to Eat During The Middle Ages – IOTW Report

The Rotten Fruit With a Vulgar Name They Loved to Eat During The Middle Ages


The polite, socially acceptable name by which it’s currently known is the medlar. But for the best part of 900 years, the fruit was called the “open-arse” – thought to be a reference to the appearance of its own large “calyx” or bottom. The medlar’s aliases abroad were hardly more flattering. In France, it was variously known as “la partie postérieure de ce quadrupede” (the posterior part of this quadruped), “cu d’singe” (monkey’s bottom), “cu d’ane” (donkey’s bottom), and cul de chien (dog’s bottom)… you get the idea.

And yet, medieval Europe was crazy about this fruit. More

9 Comments on The Rotten Fruit With a Vulgar Name They Loved to Eat During The Middle Ages

  1. Toss with a dash of rapeseed oil, which is still readily available in the UK –and known here in the US as canola oil, a name change from our previously puritanical cancel culture.

  2. Different Tim March 28, 2021 at 5:09 pm

    Some people in my youth had a different name for Brazil nuts if I remember correctly.

    I still use that term, some things from my childhood stuck. Here’s one I had never heard of until the other day. I try to learn something new each day – and I really thought someone was pulling my leg on this one, but it’s really true….Horse Beans

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