The Ruble is in Rubble- Even Porn Stars Are Feeling It – IOTW Report

The Ruble is in Rubble- Even Porn Stars Are Feeling It


Russian ruble now worth less than a penny as wartime sanctions cripple economy.

The value of Russia’s ruble has collapsed to less than 1 cent after the United States and other Western countries applied biting sanctions against the Russian economy.

The ruble was down nearly 10% against the U.S. dollar on Tuesday at 115.68 to the dollar. On Monday, after a weekend filled with painful new sanctions, the Russian currency saw an even more precipitous decline of about 30%. The ruble was at about 84 per dollar late Friday before the harshest financial penalties kicked in.



As sanctions against Russia intensified due to their assault on Ukraine, OnlyFans models and content creators found themselves locked out of their accounts on Sunday, Feb. 27, following Russia’s booting from the SWIFT system. 

Many content creators and models on OnlyFans that are based in Russia and Belarus were locked out of their accounts and the money linked to it after the London-based company was forced to comply with economic sanctions that include Russia being booted out of the SWIFT system that makes international bank transactions easier, according to Rolling Stone

“As a global business, OnlyFans stands by our creators and understands that they are responsible for these heinous acts. Unfortunately, due to worldwide financial restrictions that have ensued, we have very limited methods to pay creator accounts linked to Russia and Belarus,” a spokesperson for OnlyFans said. 

36 Comments on The Ruble is in Rubble- Even Porn Stars Are Feeling It

  1. After watching what happens to countries that aren’t toeing the bullshit, MIC, deep state line, starving the Russian populace is the norm.

    This shit has got some serious downside potential. And the crew running our show need a disaster to distract from the nightmare they’ve created here.

  2. MMinWA

    All roads lead back to Hillary eventually. Well, Hillary and Soros. I follow a couple retired Navy Seals on Instagram and as of today they’re all calling bull shit. They have ex team members on the ground.

  3. JonK

    Weak shit to bring to this place sister. The hot ticket would have been accusing me of selling it for 2 mil Rubles. You’re tooooo stupid to participate here.

  4. Hillary is radioactive. If fake news doesn’t keep the shades drawn, she could be looking up at the underside of a bus. Bill sure has been keeping on the downlow.

  5. Playing stupid games will win them stupid prizes. I knew it was all a game when George Soros tweeted support for Ukraine. I wish someone would collect the bounty Russia has on his head. That would take care of one of Ukraine’s bad actors.

  6. Durham, ha, ha, ha even weaker sister comrade Brad, not even a small nothing berder. Donny says he supports the Ukraine now, in a couple more hours he’ll flippy-flop back, thats what happens when dementia sets in.

  7. This entire episode is their opportunity to destroy everything in Ukraine that ties them to the corrupt money laundering of our tax dollars that has taken place over the last 20 or so years.
    Yes – they are that evil that they will destroy an entire country to cover their tracks. This isn’t the first time (Iraq, Libya, …).

  8. Sorry, but I like my pornstars without accents that make them sound like they evil villains from a cold war movie, chicken pluckers, or Celine Dion.
    In Toronto in the 80’s the strippers were all from Quebec,
    Then the east Block Fell and those groups greased the pole for less money.
    Towards the end , it seems to have shifted to Chicken Pluckers.
    Now it seems to be all Asian Rub & Tug Tug Tuggery.
    (so I’m told)

  9. I was in Moscow in October of 2008 and I have to admit, the place was crawling with beautiful women. I don’t remember seeing a single tattoo on a woman when there. Almost without exception, every woman was dressed tastefully and their hair was done beautifully. Make-up wasn’t overdone and only remember seeing one really fat woman. Russian women, at least in the larger cities, never go out in public without making themselves as lovely looking as possible. Their natural beauty is allowed to speak for itself. For the most part, they are much more traditional and demure than the women here. They weren’t raised watching Oprah Winfree. Families and children are extremely important to them. They detest weak men and won’t tolerate them. They want men to be men so they won’t have to fill that roll. They want to be women. They aren’t afraid of hard work. It was always said that their women were the jewels of Russian civilization. Russian women generally have high regard for American/Western men because they have much more respect for women than Russian men.

  10. I have no sympathy for people selling sex losing that ability.

    If the author picked a more wholesome victim of financial shutdown – like the truckers – then it matters. That’s an attack on everyone.

    OnlyFans can dry up and blow away for all I care.

    The best part of their biz is I only hear about it once in a while and it’s not being pushed in my face all the time.

  11. Brad, the nice thing about that is you can move to TX or any one of a number of states, buy a hell of a nice home for a million, & invest the other mil for your retirement.
    Or have a summer mountain retreat in the Rockies to go to when it’s summertime in the South.


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