The School of Hard Knockouts – IOTW Report

The School of Hard Knockouts

Don’t worry Youtube, we’ll get the truth out —>


22 Comments on The School of Hard Knockouts

  1. …and he was just turning his life around…. the child’s rights are more important than the teacher’s rights… There must be an investigation into what the teacher did to cause the child to strike out…

  2. Not surprised, in Milwaukee you are likely to be assaulted, shot, raped, robbed and have your car stolen.
    Like Chicago and all inner city democrat strongholds, a thug breeding ground.

  3. Dear President Trump, please appoint Poor Lazlo as Czar of Education.
    All returning combat Officers in the Military will be issued teaching certificates and a guaranteed top range salary.
    Each officer will be issued a firearm and a riot control baton.
    They will be charged with restoring law and order in the classroom first, then educating.
    This is due to a well known fact:
    A gibbering mass of baton welts takes in more information than a person imitating a Howler Monkey in a territorial dispute.


    ..and these animals will realize the actually need teachers and education to feed themselves.

    But no. They will weep and cry about “racism” and white liberals will come running with food baskets for the rest of their lives……and voter registration packets.

  5. The news this morning said the student may have been suffering from some sort of trauma.
    Actually, I think the teacher suffered the trauma. Of the student knocking him down and beating him. But, the student is the victim, of course.

  6. Reading, math, speaking english is a lost cause with these ghetto rats, but would SOMEONE at least teach them how to hold their friggin’ cellphones when recording video? Sheesh!

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