The Silencing Continues, and It’ll Only Get Worse Under a Hillary Administration – IOTW Report

The Silencing Continues, and It’ll Only Get Worse Under a Hillary Administration

Our old buddy Ushanka has been documenting the silencing of right-wing voices.

Look for the move from private industry silencing our voices, like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, to government censorship. The leftist private industry are the plutocrats greasing the skids for their partners in office. Hillary will be lording over a new American landscape, much like our European brothers and sisters, who live under fear of fine or incarceration for “saying or writing hurtful things.”



10 Comments on The Silencing Continues, and It’ll Only Get Worse Under a Hillary Administration

  1. That’s why we have the 2nd. To protect the 1st.

    Quite frankly, we need to start stepping it up in the technical field. Creating our own versions of Facebook Twitter etc. If we allow the leftists to maintain control over the Internet they will censor us.

  2. Last Monday, in a span of 7 minutes, someone from Mountain View,Cal. continually hit my blog 512 times and pulled up every post I’ve ever done with the key word “Hillary” in the title or body of the post, going back to 2011. Me thinks someones might be making a list. So, if I were to disappear……

  3. Sorry to say, but this is not a 1st amendment situation. Facebook and twitter are free to do as they want. Don’t like it? Demand your money back. Account holders have no contract guaranteeing access, no laws are being broken. It sucks,but it’s legal. It will be a constitutional issue when the government flips the switch. As was posted above. We need to start our own social network. Until then, you are at the mercy of the host site.

  4. Mountain View Cali. There’s a couple places in Silicoln Valley that buck the curve on the Liberal Agenda. Or at least have a high concentration of want to be Patriots that collect guns like no other but have no where to shoot them. Known as Mall Ninjas in my industry. Mountain View and Campbell California are two of these places. I’m not sayen that ain’t strange.

  5. And 1.5 miles down the road is Apple, 3 miles from there is Cisco, in between is Yahoo. Ever been there? Track down that IP. I’m headed down there in two weeks. It’s a trip to see what Capitalism could build, and then have the new assholes in charge renounce it. Bring your gun. LOL.

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