The Sovietization of America – IOTW Report

The Sovietization of America

Victor Davis Hanson for American Greatness

In a word, the one-party state is Sovietized. Public policy is no longer empirical but subservient to green, diversity, equity, and inclusion dogmas—and detached from the reality of daily middle-class existence. Decline is ensured once ideology governs problem-solving rather than time-tested and successful policymaking.

In a similar fashion, the common denominator in Joe Biden’s two years of colossal failures is Soviet-like edicts of equity, climate change, and neo-socialist redistribution that have ensured (for the non-elite, in any event) soaring inflation, unaffordable energy, rampant crime, and catastrophic illegal immigration. Playing the role of Pravda, Biden and his team simply denied things were bad, relabeled failure as success, and attacked his predecessor and critics as various sorts of counterrevolutionaries.

Biden rejected commonsense, bipartisan policies that in the past kept inflation low, energy affordable, crime controlled, and the border manageable. Instead, he superimposed leftist dogma on every decision, whose ideological purity, not real-life consequences for millions, was considered the measure of success. More

11 Comments on The Sovietization of America

  1. “The Sovietization of America”

    More like we’re being groomed as a future Chinese vassal state. All collectivists believe in ‘one party.’ And we have ours! Go Uniparty!

    (To Hell.)

  2. VDH has been great for decades. I think he is the conservative at the liberal ‘”Republican” NR mag who put down one of their leftist
    Ronny haters (Goldberg I think – not sure) who said why was Ronny not helping GHGWB in 92, VDH said” Go to CIS look for “kinder Gentler 1989!”” Shut the leftists at NR up fast!

  3. “Sovietization.”

    Tyranny. It has an ideological patina to make it palatable to the barking and clapping seals, the morons, and the propagandists – but it is tyranny plain and simple.
    The robes wrapped around it make little difference to us – we will feel the iron-shod boot in our faces if we do not throw it off.
    Genghis Khan

    Their lust for power transcended ideology.
    They used ideology to obtain their ends.
    Biden’s puppet-master is doing the same.

    There are millions of fools who follow the hammer and cycle – too stupid to understand that they are simply tools of conniving, nihilistic totalitarians.

    Every socialist cesspit was a failure. No exceptions. Whether National Socialist (Nazi), Soviet Socialist, Chinese Communist, Mao-ist, Italian Socialist (Fascist), Demonrat Socialist, Social Demonrat – all crumble from the weight of their inherent flaws and stupidities – but thousands – millions must die while the idiocy runs its course.

    Best to throttle it in the crib.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Not only that, but the administration (as did the 0bama administration) has conveniently ignored the fact that much of what it is doing is ILLEGAL. They just don’t care, they let things get tied up in court… AND IT WORKS.
    If the November elections don’t set a path for change, then it will have to be guns.

  5. Hey brad go fuck yourself after your done sucking donny’s little mushroom dick, moron. Your comments couldn’t be stupider if you tried, cabal ha, ha, ha right,= kool-aid brain.

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