The Speed At Which This Was Called a Hate Crime Exceeded The Speed of the Bullets – IOTW Report

The Speed At Which This Was Called a Hate Crime Exceeded The Speed of the Bullets

The crime was terrible. Nine shot and killed inside a Charleston, South Carolina church while people were praying. But without a suspect in custody it is pretty amazing that it’s been labeled a hate crime by authorities.

Their reasoning? Anyone that could shoot people in a church must be filled with hate, so, therefore, it was a hate crime.

PHOTO: Worshippers gather to pray in a hotel parking lot across the street from the scene of a shooting, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina.

I may be cynical, but I have to believe that it’s because the victims are black, and first reports say the perpetrator was a young blond male.

Not to be flippant, because this is a tragedy, but couldn’t the blond kid be a transperson who defines himself as black? I’ve been told that’s possible. So I think they should put the brakes on this rush to judgment.


ht/ meerkat brzezinski

34 Comments on The Speed At Which This Was Called a Hate Crime Exceeded The Speed of the Bullets

  1. Because this was perpetrated inside a Christian church, many of the parishioners stood out front, held hands and prayed. I wonder what Muslims would have done if this had happened inside a Mosque?

  2. From the reports the prayer meeting was being held in the basement of the church, so it seems probable to me that the shooter was familiar with the layout and / or looking for a specific person or people.

    I agree that they are rushing to judgement on the perp’s description. I commented on another thread that it could be a Rachel Dolezal in reverse or a light skinned person or any lineage. The description said he was wearing a hoodie which to me is unimaginable for “normal” as hot as it’s been today here in the South (it was still 88 degrees after 9:00 pm where I am).

    I have a suspicion that things may not be as they seem initially in this case.

    Prayers for the families involved.

  3. The guy is probably just another nut like the guy who tried to wave a gun at the guards at Little Rock Air force Base on Monday. The guy was a drug addict and schizophrenic, and now he’s dead. No hate involved, just evil spirits.

  4. Must be nice to get automatic hate-crime status anytime anybody fucks with you for whatever reason? But if you are white Christian Conservative, you are already considered guilty just as soon as you are identified. Even if you didn’t do anything. They shot at you? Well you must have provoked them.

    *Edit button — how great is that?

  5. Funny how this hate crime status is decided upon. In the article linked below it was stated that this attack wasn’t considered to be a hate crime at this point despite racial slurs and a savage attack by 20 to 30 melanin rich savages against a white man and his son.

    I guess using liberal logic, since only whites can be racist, only whites can commit hate crimes.

    If the Charleston event turns out to be orchestrated / encouraged by some muslim group, I wonder if it will still be called a hate crime.

  6. The whole “Hate Crime” thing was a bad idea. A crime is a crime. And be punished as such. Not more because a nutcase doesn’t like asians and shoots up a chinese restaurant. It’s a nutcase that deserves life imprisonment. Politicians and activists have either been using the “Hate Crime” laws to push for their own success or ignoring it when it suits them best. The law is a bad law, and needs to be retired.

  7. Meerkat, I’m with you. When I saw this my first thought was, “Seriously, doesn’t all murder involve hate? We need to retire these stupid codes that say one person’s murder is more reprehensible because they were black.”

  8. I hope they find the responsible person and fry his butt. Guessing they’ll find out that he was really into video games and was a nihilist/atheist.

    I don’t like the hate-crime thing. Every murder is a hate crime and should be punished with equally swift justice. Prayers for the folks in charleston

  9. And it’s not out of the realm of possibilty this could be part of a terrorist plot…ISIS knows how to pit Sunni against Shia. They watch the news on CNN and could very well pit one race/creed against another in this country.

  10. You intentionally go out to kill large numbers of people whether they be white, black, blue or purple it is a hate crime.

    What if this supposed white guy is on the I identify as black bandwagon?

    What if he’s a transgender or gay or lesbian. So many to choose from these days. Wait it wasn’t Caitlyn Jenner was it? 🙄

    I think Jerry’s right, it is a setup to make for a long hot deadly summer. 🙁 Buy more ammo.

  11. Shooter was immediately ID’d as white, thus I knew his victims weren’t. There is a black guy on the loose in NYC, who has a habit of hitting Asian women with a heavy object carried in a shopping bag. Four victims so far. BUT there’s nothing “hateful” about his actions.

  12. Drudge has a photo from a security camera.
    The perp is white with a nerdy bowl haircut.
    Article says he stayed with the church people for an HOUR before he opened fire on them.
    WTF kind of sick bastard does that?

    @BFH, thanks for all your hard work getting the site up and running again!

  13. Yep.

    I see the news labeled the crime as “senseless” and “unfathomable” and it’s garnering headlines coast to coast.

    Yet the unbelievingly evil crime 4 nigger thugs(but I repeat myself) perpetrated on a white couple received scant headlines. And they weren’t just murdered.

    She was raped and dismembered in front of her husband with bleach poured all over her. He was murdered and then they were set on fire.

    Maybe it’s just me and of course I don’t have this guy’s mindset but if you want to strike a blow in a racial war, why attack a church? Go for the homies.

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