The Spies Online – IOTW Report

The Spies Online

Internet security experts are discovering that even developing nations are gaining more sophistication in cyber spying. India and nations across the middle east are all heavily engaged in targeting the links of major political and military figures in an attempt to reap huge stores of information at very low cost.

Those doing the spying seem to be big fans of J.R.R.Tolkien.


3 Comments on The Spies Online

  1. You don’t think those four Iranians on the terminal in the corner of the university computer lab speaking Farsi with each other are talking about the baseball scores, do you?

  2. @Txn4Evr May 2, 2017 at 5:29 pm & @Mr. Anth Ropy May 2, 2017 at 6:35 pm

    Not really.

    Government doesn’t pay for itself. So no government “intellectual property” theft crew is willing to be limited to jacking government targets. Since everybody’s a government target, everybody has to look for the same tools. It’s the opposite of Britain making their police walk around unarmed, to deter the citizens from arming up.

    On defense, the richest targets are controlled by “credentialed management” who keep their social positions because of their credentials, not their results. When the nerds explain how to keep other nerds out of the company’s goods, they expect to be atomic wedgied and told to “Shut up, nerd!” They do it anyway, because even a Potemkin fortress that makes “credentialed management” look smart to other “credentialed management,” but fails to accomplish anything, still leaves wonderful tech toys strewn about for nerds to play with.

    The only people that seriously arm up against hackers are all pædo-terrorists. The government knows this. Just ask them.

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