The Streets of San Francisco Get Rocky – IOTW Report

The Streets of San Francisco Get Rocky

Associated Press

A group of San Francisco neighbors said they had to do something to make their street safe. Their answer? Some giant rocks.

Fed up with what they see as the city’s failure to combat homelessness and rampant drug use, the neighbors had boulders delivered to their sidewalk to block people from pitching tents on their street.

The boulders went up in an alley off Market Street, one of San Francisco’s major thoroughfares. They stopped people from putting up tents for a couple of weeks, until homeless advocates learned about them and rolled some into the street.

The city stepped in because they posed a safety hazard, hoisting the giant rocks back onto the sidewalk. But the activists returned, pushing them onto the street again. More

8 Comments on The Streets of San Francisco Get Rocky

  1. Protestland too. There are many articles in regional papers and beneath all of them the “unwashed masses” are supporting the boulders and the poverty industrial complex is having a shit fit over them. That is all you need to know regarding whether they are effective or not.

    Portland’s homeless campers face new obstacle: piles of boulders

    Jo Ann Hardesty: ‘I am outraged’ at use of boulders to deter Portland homeless

    Oregon Officials Deter Portland Homeless Campers With a Million Dollars’ Worth of Boulders
    The latest spot? A thicket of rose bushes in the Goose Hollow neighborhood.

    Neighbors pleased as ODOT replaces roses with boulders to deter homeless
    ODOT said the cost to put in the boulders is cheaper in the long run when you consider how much it costs to continually clean up illegal camps.

  2. Arrest the paid activists and your bolder burglary problems are solved.

    He k. Forcibly move the homeless into shelters and there won’t be a need for bolders.

  3. Instead of boulders, install solar panels. You know, to save Earth. If the panels get moved, that’s killing Earth and the cognitive dissonance of the left will set their collective heads ablaze. Use defunct solar panels so it’s little to no cost, but make them look legit with some official hazard stickers and conduit that looks like it holds wire.


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