The Terrorists Are Coming – IOTW Report

The Terrorists Are Coming


Mistaking the government for a competent entity that cares about the average American citizen is insane. We’re on our own when it comes to Islamic terrorists folks and my question is what are you going to do about it?

For a vast majority the best thing to do is nothing. The chances of being caught up in one of these attacks are remote. You can live your life without changing daily routines or habits because you will never be caught up in a terrorist attack. This is the “hope” plan as in “I hope it doesn’t happen to me” and given the laws of averages it will prove a solid plan for the vast majority currently residing in the United States.

Those who do nothing about the threat of Jihadi’s are sheep; they cannot or will not accept responsibility for their personal safety or the safety of those around them. The law of averages, not The Law  is their only protection. But the law of averages is moot if you are in the cross-hairs and there are thousands of Americans alive today who will be killed by Jihadis in the future because our government has neither the will or ability to stop them.

For law abiding Americans who believe hope is not an adequate plan there is another option and that is to become a sheepdog. Human Sheepdogs are, by nature, not a threat to their fellow citizens but are death dealing fighting machines when they, their loved ones or the sheep  (other citizens) are in peril. To be effective in this role the sheepdog needs to be prepared mentally, physically and emotionally for close quarters battle (CQB). Death lurks in the CQB environment; the only way to beat death is to kill without hesitation or remorse. That is not easy to do.

Don’t think you’re up for that? Think again,  if a woman can fight off a mountain lion with her bare hands or a retiree with poor gun handling skills and piss poor physical conditioning can run off two strongarm robbers (who both had guns) out of an internet cafe then you can take on a Icehole Jihadi. The other option is to submit and die.


ht/ tammy

10 Comments on The Terrorists Are Coming

  1. And you wonder why they want our AR’s. M16’s have a select fire position too. (Semi Auto) Actually most combat personal fire select fire. Google any footage of the big sand box war footage. They shoot semi auto. 7 years ago I was not an AR fan. I am now. That platform is second to none for clearing out bad guys and the feds, our current enemy, knows it. Trumps way off message of late, and the bitch is rising in the polls. I’m not giving up my guns, even in Cali. I turned sixty today and thats good enough.

  2. I believe it is a good idea to create “Designated Defenders”.
    People trained to handle immediate terrorist attacks with force.
    They can be formally trained and insured.
    They are not police or military.
    They are protectors for hire.
    Everything they do in defence of innocent victims will be within the law.
    When a terrorist acts, they react.

    f*ck 0bama

  3. Diogenes, I had an ex employee (actually a great friend) send me a text message today that said “There’s you and dirt”. I’m not sure anybody can top that. By the way we butt heads but you are awesome.

  4. The progressives are trying to indoctrinate a generation who will welcome sharia law with their pants pulled down around their ankles and goat hair glued to their asses.
    While I can guarantee you that any moslem jihad attack in my neighborhood would be quickly handled by the armed citizens and the sheriffs of the county, I am not so sure what would happen a couple of generations down the line.
    We have to take back the education system and the media, for starters. And do everything we can to make sure the future generations know the truth about the the threat of islam.
    Have to get rid of that jihad-loving prick in the white house (could mean 0bama or Hillary) and that sharia compliant AG who is taking orders from him.

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