The Things Everyone Should Know About Hillary’s Email Scandal – IOTW Report

The Things Everyone Should Know About Hillary’s Email Scandal

7 Comments on The Things Everyone Should Know About Hillary’s Email Scandal

  1. That was an excellent recap of Shrillary’s crimes. I would like to add the recently uncovered smoking gun of Comey’s receiving cash from the Clintons in large amounts before and after his being named Director of the FBI, hidden under the rags they use to launder their dirt. So this begs the question should Comey’s judgment be called into a special prosecutor’s scrutiny, as well as his ‘inactions’ regarding Shrillary’s crimes? I hope Trump reopens it, appoints a special prosecutor not on the take from the dirty Clintons, and goes forward with a trial. All those whose lives were changed forever by these two Arkansas hillbillies need to witness both of them on trial, no pardons, no excuses. And if proven guilty of treason, both are put to death. We will show the old shitpickles just how “deplorable” we can be.

  2. Link for the “recently uncovered smoking gun of Comey’s receiving cash from the Clintons in large amounts before and after his being named Director of the FBI,…”?

  3. I knew all of that and Sharpiro is an asshole.

    However the link supplied by Lady in Red is something I hadn’t known. DC is so GD fucking corrupt it is unbelievable. The fix was in at the FBI from the get go. The DOJ and FBI are rotten to the core.

    Trump knows he’s poking a stick in a hornet’s nest. That SS protection he’s getting is from the same government thats letting the Clintons skate.

  4. This, from the guy who’s done his best
    to insult, demean and destroy
    the Trump campaign.
    For months.

    Poor boy needs to learn
    what happens to weasels
    who play both sides of the fence.
    Good and hard.

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