The Trump Seal of Approval – IOTW Report

The Trump Seal of Approval


In essence, the RNC cannot exploit the MAGA brand for RNC/MAGA endorsement, and or use the donor data files, without the Trump “seal of approval.”   The data becomes worthless, because without the Trump seal any request is ignored. Additionally, without the seal any RNC candidate is ignored.  This creates leverage.  This is how the insurgency forces the compliance of the GOPe.  At least that appears to be the goal from Donald Trump.

If the RNC, or any vendor or candidate they have sold the files to, including any candidate who runs but does not align with Trump, attempts to exploit the files without the Trump seal of approval, the fracture between Trump and the RNC becomes openly visible.

It is not coincidental this ‘Seal of Approval’ is announced after the debate decision was made public. More

39 Comments on The Trump Seal of Approval

  1. I quit giving money to the RNC after the Dede Scozzafava debacle in the NY Dist 32 special election in 2009. There was a viable Tea Party candidate that might have won, but the RNC ran Scozzafava (who was to the left of the Dem candidate), and when she dropped out she through her support to the Democrat. The RNC gave her a million dollars to torpedo the Tea Party candidate.

  2. This is an awesome idea. The very people that hate him, continually try and capitalize off him. Unbelievable. MAGA owns the RNC. The RNC just hasn’t realized it yet. Bad decision Ron.

  3. “Oh man, the Trump seal is getting absolutely ROASTED on Twitter/X!”

    Oh shit. Now I won’t sleep tonight. Yawn. Why are you here? There’s plenty of libtard sights that would welcome you.

  4. Sorry Brad, I want Trump to win.
    Relying on MAGA only voters means 4 more years of democrat rule.
    They won’t even need to cheat this time.

    It’s amazing to me that some people cannot come to terms with this.
    “Us against the world” is great for motion pictures but damn man, you have to wake up & smell the burning America…

  5. “Sorry Brad, I want Trump to win.”

    I don’t think any serious thinking person believes that here. Look what you just posted. You celebrate Trumps persecution and potential demise. You’re a Troll. You would be greeted with open arms on any Libtard sight. You’d be happy, we’d be happy. You should give it a shot.

  6. A hypothetical president.

    LOL, And Ronda would be just another Manchurian Candidate. Who doesn’t own that bitch? Calling Trump hypothetical is like calling water hypothetically wet. If he’s stopped from running for re election this time, he will still go down as the most effective President ever. Ronda? Shit Snow Whites kicking his ass. And rightfully so. Really fucking dumb move.

  7. “Trump needs allies.”

    Trump has allies. They’re called MAGA. What we don’t need, is morons like you. Go find some RDS fanatics like your self. What we need is a fair election.

  8. Where in the exact fuck are you going with this non sense? No MAGA person trusts RDS. MAGA reps 85 to 90 % of Republican voters. Nationally, he couldn’t get voted in as head dog catcher. We don’t need RDS. Further more, every declared candidate may voice disapproval for what the deep states doing to DJT. But every night they pray they execute him. It’s the only chance they have of attaining high office. And amongst that group, no one prays harder than loser RDS.

  9. Then again, you have nothing to worry about. Except RDS is a fart in the wind storm compared to Trumps accomplishments. And all those MAGA peep who will never ever vote for RONDA. Sleep tight. You got it figured out. Although hard to explain those “Cratering” poll numbers.

  10. Sorry Brad but my point earlier was that biden* undid 90% of Trump’s accomplishments with the stroke of a pen.
    My original point stands.
    Trump needs allies to get LEGISLATION passed, among other things.

    Executive Orders have an expiration date… As soon as the next dem is elected.

    Sorry you cannot comprehend my position.

  11. “Sorry you cannot comprehend my position.”

    Everyone and their fucking dog already knew that Einstein. Sometimes the points you try and push are SO elementary that they’re not worth responding to. Like this one.

  12. Again, you’d have a ton of fans at any Libtard sight, because after all, you fit the criteria. Number one would be the hatred of Donald Trump. Think how popular you’d be.

  13. ‘Sorry you cannot comprehend my position’ seems to fit exactly with your last two posts.

    Trump vs the world.
    No criticism of what he is doing wrong allowed or you hate him.
    “Living in a binary world and Brad is a binary girl…”

  14. ““Living in a binary world and Brad is a binary girl…”

    You’re a brave runt, drunk, sitting behind a keyboard. I always know when you’ve had your ass kicked by the childish insults that ensue.
    You’re 100% Libtard. Not sure who told you otherwise. Go find like minded friends.


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