The Truth About Pre-Existing Conditions – IOTW Report

The Truth About Pre-Existing Conditions

This morning I joined Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson on Chicago’s Morning Answer to discuss ACA open enrollment, the truth about preexisting conditions, the remarkable improvements made to the American health care system by the Trump administration and the disastrous Biden health care policy proposals. – C. Steven Tucker   

4 Comments on The Truth About Pre-Existing Conditions

  1. The left won’t be satisfied until government programs are also given to every illegal border crosser is set for life with taxpayer funds. Government largess in exchange for a vote every election is too tempting to pass by.

  2. As long as the Insurance industry positions itself to grab their vigorish between the providers and the patients, health insurance/et al will always screw the patient. All insurance is a legalized ponzi scheme….I certainly don’t know how you finance million dollar cancer treatments etc….but the insurance industry does know and don’t care….they will deny your coverage for a hangnail….ask me how I know….


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