The Twitter Scandal Uncovers the Political Left Engaging in Serious Violations of the 1st Amendment – IOTW Report

The Twitter Scandal Uncovers the Political Left Engaging in Serious Violations of the 1st Amendment

This should not be poo-pooed. I’ve never used this line before, but it’s true. This makes Watergate look like small potatoes.

If heads do not roll with this one, I give up. It would mean we are definitely being subjuagted by a uniparty and we have no voice in this country.

It is not We the People any longer. Our votes are stolen, our voices suppressed. How is this different than living under communism. (Trust me, if we do not beat these people back they can and will do anything they want to us.)

20 Comments on The Twitter Scandal Uncovers the Political Left Engaging in Serious Violations of the 1st Amendment

  1. Everything is being played against us. For anything to happen over this it would require an un-corrupted DOJ and an honest Judiciary. It’s clear we have neither. If there is any hope for our country this issue will have to be addressed appropriately. If it gets swept under the rug we will know we have lost our country.

  2. This is starting to look like an overfull litterbox.

    As fast as the cat tries to cover one of the turds another is uncovered in the process.

    Until the litterbox is emptied…

  3. What will be done? And who will do it?

    Unlike 1776 Americans the people of today are sitting back and saying “will somebody, maybe the DOJ, do something.”

    Unfortunately the DOJ IS the problem.

    If you know your revolutionary war history only about 10% of the population ever took on the British (and some of the rest actually supported the Enemy).

    What do we need to do? Are they marching in the streets of China? or I-ran?

  4. The very second ant government official was colluding or even offering advice the veil of separation between a private company acting and civil rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights were violated. Civil rights violations are worth millions of dollars in damages to each and every individual who suffered those damages. There is nothing so sacred… so says the very bastards who were engaging in wholesale violation of First Amendment Rights.

    We will know by tomorrow morning which of the Republican establishment were involved in coordinating the effort to violate the civil rights of Americans. They will out themselves by not absolutely demanding rigorous prosecution and expulsion from the House or Senate of anyone involved in so much as a bit of this. Any government official looses any immunity whatsoever from personal when they are engaged in violation anyone’s civil rights.

    In a truly just world the fuckers would be looking at shitting in their pants while being hung by the neck until dead.

  5. “This should not be poo-pooed. I’ve never used this line before, but it’s true. This makes Watergate look like small potatoes.”

    I would consider the Crypto shit even worse. TINVOWOOT.

  6. The GOPe will whine, cry, pull their dicks, and – DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

    Make some noise until the 15 second news cycle makes another crisis headline.
    They care not for America or Americans – only for their great god Mammon.

    McConnell and McCarthy are Treasonous dogs and their GOPe sycophants are the enablers who espouse that they have NOT committed Treason, only secured Treason’s flanks.

    Same old bullshit. Same putrid, bad actors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. mickey moussaoui DECEMBER 3, 2022 AT 10:02 AM

    Wouldn’t it be nicer to let him watch a couple of dozen with a number of false starts up the stairs for him and then do him as the twenty-fifth.


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