The U.S. is Being Led By a Retard… No Joke, Man – IOTW Report

The U.S. is Being Led By a Retard… No Joke, Man

When you hear Biden talk about AI, and then you hear Netanyahu, the contrast is so stark one feels a wave of embarrassment for this nation.

15 Comments on The U.S. is Being Led By a Retard… No Joke, Man

  1. As I listen to Benjamin Netanyahu speaking English like a pro, I think to myself “can yew see Jackass Joe stumbling and bumbling around speaking his jiberish and nonsense in Yiddish??

    I wuz going to use the term gobble de gook, but then I realized that is reserved for Kamala…

  2. Said it many times here, The reason GWB had Jo as “front man: in BORKING Bork was Jo is/was as dumb as jet. An economist clearly beat ago in the debates time and time again. But the “Bush Republicans” in the Press said Jo beat Dr. Sowell. An article ( I think in either PJM, AmGreatness or The Federalist) in Oct said it was just now “dawning” on dumb zoo that GWB used him 36 years ago!

    Jo was born a mental defective rich kid! Still a mental defective; just slightly richer!


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