The Ultimate Absurdity: Green New Deal Would Not Provide Significant Climate Benefits – IOTW Report

The Ultimate Absurdity: Green New Deal Would Not Provide Significant Climate Benefits




Carlin The Green New Deal (GND) has been costed at almost $100 trillion by very knowledgeable experts, or about half of total gross national product over the ten years involved. Representative Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Markey claim that it will save the world. There is a little problem, however. The best scientific evidence is that there would be no significant climate benefits from implementing GND or any other “decarbonization” policy. You read that right–no significant climate benefits at all.

How could this be? The short answer is that the GND authors relied on sources (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC) which also got it wrong, possibly on purpose. Yet much of the left-wing of the Democratic Party has bet their future on the GND. And most of the rest of the Party believes the misnamed “consensus” science on which it is based. Unusual but true. No US political party has gambled so much on what is basically a scientific scam. Other parties in other countries have done likewise, but a number appear to have lost elections as a result (Australia, for example).

The issue involved is whether changes in emissions of CO2 have a significant effect on temperatures. The IPCC and now much of the Democratic Party claim that they do. But if they does not, as shown by the best scientific evidence (for a slightly revised version of one study see also here.), the GND accomplishes nothing useful to anyone except those that profit from the added government spending involved. I will take the good science rather than the self-serving assumptions made by the climate scammers.

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11 Comments on The Ultimate Absurdity: Green New Deal Would Not Provide Significant Climate Benefits

  1. The green mentality is the Western version of Shiite style self-flagellation. The Shiites make more sense by just pounding themselves in the head with a broad sword once per year rather than bankrupting themselves and their economy just to feel good about themselves.

  2. I follow Patrick Moore – the CO-FOUNDER OF GREENPEACE (though they’ve tried to erase – Stalin! – his existence from the web about that *inconvenient* point…)
    on twitter (@EcoSenseNow) for more accurate info…and, he’s got a great sense of humor!

  3. I don’t know how he failed to bust out laughing during a few of those points. Excellent self control. Excellent speech.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. The War on Poverty failed and gave us more poverty. The War on Drugs failed, and in fact many states surrendered and legalized marijuana. We elected a black President and race relations worsened during his administration. So what track record do those jackdaws in Congress have to lead us to believe the Green New Deal will have any beneficial impact when the best we can hope for is that it doesn’t screw things up too badly?

  5. The US leads the world in energy efficiency, and environmentally conscious industry.
    Browbeating Americans is the exact opposite of doing something useful.


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