The Ultimate Revenge Porn – IOTW Report

The Ultimate Revenge Porn

Western journalists haven’t been reporting this stuff in the mainstream. Maybe the Iraqis are keeping this under the radar.

Captured ISIS scum are being tortured and mass executed.  They are being thrown from cliffs.

Bleeding hearts are saying this is “troubling,” and are “war crimes.”

There’s a war?

I guess ISIS should have their day in court. Make them rebuild the courts from the rubble and then put them on trial for ten minutes, then throw them off the cliff.

Here is a bunch of “disturbing material” on a twitter feed.

I dunno, this isn’t all that disturbing to me.

After you see people having their heads chain-sawed off, lit on fire in cages, wired with explosives around their necks, dunked into the ocean in a cage, chained to a truck and pulled through the streets etc., etc., etc., you really can’t muster up any wincing for a little cordless bungee jumping.

27 Comments on The Ultimate Revenge Porn

  1. ISIS must be destroyed! Absolutely humiliated, tore apart, decimated, to the point they are never seen or heard from again. The ultimate revenge porn is appropriate.

  2. Oh, but we are supposed to be better than that. Which is why the animals are allowed to get away with literal murder while we have to say “Mother, may I?” in order to even criticize those that want to destroy civilization.

  3. Let the Iraqis do as they please with ISIS prisoners, the more horrific the better the deterrent. I had seen some of the videos before and you can tell that the ISIS dudes really do not like being thrown off buildings then shot at. Put them in cages and let them earn their underwater swimming wings too. Check and see if they are fireproof also.

  4. These monsters believe that God commands them to make sex slaves out of civilian noncombatant women. If they did that to any of MY female relatives, I’d do to them ten times as bad as whats happening to them now. And then there’s their fate when they stand before the TRUE God. They’ll look back at their torture at the hands of men as the good old days, for the rest of eternity.

  5. Other then execute them what else are you going to do with them? They are the worst sort of fanatics, the type you can’t begin to reform as they will regard you as workers for satan. They’ve gotten used to doing barbaric things all in the name of their religion and they are simply are hopeless. I think tossing them off a cliff is the wrong way nor is some sham trial. Simply take them outside, give them a moment to pray and shoot them in the back of the head. Show them the mercy of a quick death they didn’t show others. In reality that mercy is not for them but rather for the ones that are executing these maniacs so that they may not have nightmares as they live and try to rebuild their lives.

  6. “ISIS must be destroyed!”

    pisslam must be destroyed. It doesn’t matter if it’s called isis, the taliban, al-quida. It’s all pisslam. We are at war with pisslam.

  7. Play stupid games,win stupid prizes. It’s a freaking 3rd world hell hole, the worst place in the world to get caught being a terrorist! I wouldn’t ever expect, in the least, to see anything different.

  8. Please don’t forget that the people throwing ISIS off the cliffs are Muslims.
    There will be no pork products involved.
    They, too, believe in the virgins in the afterlife.

    In an alternate scenario they would just as soon be fighting the west as well.

  9. This is why the death penalty works, writ large. If the perps are guilty, then why should society let them live?

    Get rid of the evildoers, the murderers, stat !! No appeals, no nothing.

  10. ROE make no sense.
    I’m trying to kill the enemy, I peel off a shot. I hit them.
    I get up close and see they are wounded.
    Now I have to be Clara Barton?

    As far as I’m concerned, if the war is still on, a warm enemy body in my immediate personal space should be killed.
    Is the wounded person suddenly converting to my ideology?
    So… kill them.
    It’s what the war is about.

  11. From the comments on twitter it’s obvious many of them blame the U.S. as much or more than other moslems for isis and the interminable fighting. The U.S. is certainly not blameless but not nearly as responsible as the moslems themselves, but of course, they can’t be the ones at fault. There will never be an end to their bloodshed until they’re all dead.

  12. O’Bama is to blame not the US, funny how the tide has turned since “The Man Comes Around” A famous moslem once said “When the people see a strong horse and a weak horse they will naturally like the strong horse”
    PDJT is the strong horse.
    Buh-Bye isis.

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