The United States of Welfare – IOTW Report

The United States of Welfare

The next time a democrat tries to tell you that red states take more than they receive from the federal government, send them this link. —>Here

Then tell them this-

“The top ten states listed above spend more on public welfare ($346.9B) than all of the bottom forty states (plus the District of Columbia) combined ($262.7B).”


14 Comments on The United States of Welfare

  1. In Washington, Oregon and Northern California the damned progs deliberately and systematically put tens of thousands of loggers out of business with their spotted owl hoopla and horseshit and then they had the audacity to point to the rate of individuals and families in counties that don’t vote for their socialist Utopia seeking public assistance.

    You always have to look at the back story with these bastards.

  2. JDHasty; so true. And there were no repercussions agains’t the enviro-nuts. Just like there are never any agains’t any left wing, commie, socialist, marxist cause. When will we ever learn?
    I wanted to be a logger.

  3. ILLINOIS has just got to try harder! We can make it into the top five with a little more effort!

    But no Lumber Jack Immigrants! The dykes need the shirts for themselves…

  4. Whoever put that map together thinks Ohio is between Indiana and Missouri and Illinois is between Indiana and Pennsylvania.

    THE POINT IS: CUT the pretenders, frauds, slackers, users, abusers and losers out of the welfare system.

    Build the wall and give us another tax refund to make up for the waste and corruption in the welfare system.

  5. We passed the 49% mark of people working for various levels of government during the Obama administration. They produce nothing, not even effective government.

    Reduce welfare? Sure. But reducing government would be even better.

  6. The second table (assets v debts) is another to check.

    Texas still looks good. Several other states are on advanced life support. It’s amazing that their EBT systems haven’t gone up in flames yet. Some kind of budgetary sleight of hand that can only be repeated so many times. Let’s see.. unfunded pensions (how soon will they die off – can we affect that?..v welfare rolls.

    I don’t want to be anywhere near the condensed places if the balloon ever goes up, and I’m being optimistic about the ‘if’.

  7. Sooooo … in the interest of the “14 Points” and the UN’s three-quarter century of lies about “Self-Determination” why can’t we just jettison the parasites?

    Let them “determine” their own goals and futures without us – or our money.

    Are we so mal-educated that we don’t understand what’s taking place?

    izlamo delenda est …


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