The #WalkAway Continues At Full Speed – IOTW Report

The #WalkAway Continues At Full Speed

Millions have viewed and a number have joined Brandon Starka  in his #WalkAway campaign from the democrat party since May.

More Here and Here

More confessions of former democrat voters Here



12 Comments on The #WalkAway Continues At Full Speed

  1. Don’t walk run. If you have any common sense whatsoever than you have to realize that the dems democrat party of today has shifted so far left it’s unrecognizable from what it was even 10 years ago. It’s time for all democrats to reevaluate their positions. When you do re assess it will become painfully apparent that the dems have left you.

  2. I really hope this takes the core of the Democrats away from left wing, socialist leadership that is in the process of destroying it. If the Party is truly slaughtered in November then perhaps these walkaways can walk back and toss out the socialists, lefties and crooks and recreate the party as it once was decades ago.

  3. This helps explain establishment democrats attacking ICE, they aren’t even trying to pander to their grievance group members in the middle, but instead trying to out-Bernie, Bernie.

  4. As I was watching the latter part of the video and listening to the reasons he gave for the #WalkAway movement there was something strangely redolent about this movement. It then occurred to me that many of the things being complained about, about the Democrat party, were not distinctly conservative things either. It made me wonder: If these “life long Leftist(s)” would migrate to the Trumplican Party and then reflexively try to change it in the same way they flocked to places like Portland, OR, and Seattle, only to remake these places as bad as the places they “escaped” from. After all, these are activists who probably won’t be patient enough to understand the reasons why conservatives are conservative. We Freedom Caucus conservatives (or tea party, or Trumplican, conservatives, if you will) already have our hands full trying to oust the RINO’s and faux conservatives from the Republican party. But will burgeoning ranks of new #WalkAway voters consider those Repubs conservative “enough” to be more aligned with their centrist or even center-left thinking? In the same way that southern Californians, for example, descended on Northwest cities to escape the diminished “quality of life” they left behind, will these new #WalkAway’s introduce an element of the pervasive Leftist ideology they think they are walking away from because conservatism will be a relative term compared to the things they’re used to?

    I realize that many of these #WalkAways have undoubtedly voted D their whole voting lives because that’s all they knew (secular D’s) and this is the start of their real ideological education. I am glad for that and glad for them. But I was just starting to enjoy the fact that I don’t have to try to explain anything to anyone when I’m among my conservative family.

    In any event, I’m grateful that these people are paying attention and walking away from the ’60’s radicals and their feverish dreams of socialism/communism — so long as they come to know that today’s conservatism is really not at all different from the Founding principles.

  5. Folks are Americans after all. They eventually catch on to the fact that the Left is selling shit sandwiches, only this time with different bread.
    Its those damn communists. They have wrecked the Democrat party. They and the deep state have got to go!
    I declare myself a Trumpican, as the GOP and those goat molesters on the left ‘aren’t worth the powder to blow them to Hell’ (to quote Lazlo the Eldest Elder).

  6. Walk? Run away from the left as fast as you can. They’ve thrown away their compass and are now just drifting about looking for their next travisty.

  7. @AbigailAdams July 2, 2018 at 1:19 pm

    > It made me wonder: If these “life long Leftist(s)” would migrate to the Trumplican Party and then reflexively try to change it in the same way they flocked to places like Portland, OR, and Seattle, only to remake these places as bad as the places they “escaped” from.

    Do bears build leak free latrines in the woods?

  8. Just found this one…–QVL34

    #WalkAway – The Political Transformation of Ronald Reagan
    “In honor of the #WalkAway movement, we should take a moment to examine the personal and political transformation of Ronald Reagan—a liberal FDR Democrat who, by 1960, had made his own decision to #WalkAway and leave the Democratic Party for good. As we know, Reagan went on to become one of the key catalysts in the rebirth of the GOP, embodying the definition of a True Conservative, reshaping the political landscape of the United States, and being recognized as one of the biggest factors in the defeat of Soviet Union.

    When you decide to #WalkAway from the Democratic Party, you don’t walk away from politics, but embrace the reality of the world we live in and choose to see the truths woven into the fabric that shaped our nation and set us apart from all who came before.

    Make a difference in America today. #WalkAway and, like President Reagan before you, make a difference in a way you never could have before.”

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