The Weather is Racist – Obama – IOTW Report

The Weather is Racist – Obama

Gazette –

In his latest global warming spiel, The Great Divider exploits class envy to promote weather anxiety.

The weather does not hate. Lightning strikes white men and black men. Mother Nature can be fierce, but she is never a bigot.

  • “Climate change will have the largest health impact on vulnerable populations including those with low incomes, some communities of color, limited English proficiency and immigrant groups, Indigenous peoples, children, pregnant women, older adults, vulnerable occupational groups, persons with disabilities, and persons with preexisting or chronic medical conditions.”
  • “Communities of color, low income, immigrant and limited English-proficiency groups also experience relatively greater incidence of chronic medical conditions, such as cardiovascular and kidney disease, diabetes, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which can be exacerbated by climate-related health impacts.”

If global warming disproportionately burdens “communities of color,” it isn’t because the sun dislikes them. It is because poverty is hard. Nearly all burdens are greater for the poor. Low-income Americans pay higher interest rates, which increase in relation to risk. They pay premiums for goods and commodities that cost less when purchased in bulk by people with good cash flow. They incur disconnect, reconnect, overdraft and late fees.

Similarly, the poor suffer most when storms cause disruption or destruction. Tornadoes don’t choose to snack on mobile homes. If it seems that way, it is because low-cost housing fares poorly against high winds. Costlier structures are more likely to survive.

Indeed, bad weather is hardest on the poor. Just like the cost of global warming control.

Changing how we generate power, to reduce carbon emissions, will cost trillions. A 10 percent or 20 percent increase in the electric bill won’t alter lifestyles of the wealthy, but may devastate households that barely afford rent.

Poverty is a hard, and will remain so, with or without global warming or expensive efforts to fix it. The president should promote his agenda without deceptively fueling class envy and division

8 Comments on The Weather is Racist – Obama

  1. “Climate change will have the largest health impact on vulnerable populations including those with low incomes, some communities of color, limited English proficiency and immigrant groups …”

    That’s because “climate change” is a fucking hoax. A method to separate people from their money and to accrete more money and power to the state … and the less money and power you have, and the more ignorant you are, the more vulnerable you’ll be to that hoax. That weighs proportionately upon low income, colored, and illiterate alien invading rat-people.

    Lose the hoax – lose the vulnerability.

    Pretty fucking simple if you’re not on the hoaxing end …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. All my life I’ve noticed that the two things that seem to always get destroyed by tornadoes are trailer parks and airports (or more specifically, the airplanes). Then one day I had a sudden realization: Tornadoes are attracted to aluminum!


  3. Your last line “The president should promote his agenda without deceptively fueling class envy and division” is about the funniest line I’ve read in a while. In 7 years has he once promoted his agenda without deceptively fueling class envy and division?

  4. Y’all’s Racist!
    In all the cumulus history of Presidentin’ no one but BayRack Obama has addressified the necesseticiousness of throwing as much money at the problem of ‘Racio-centric Global Warming’ as is required-ed
    To deny, in the fascia of mounted evidencialistic scientificly aquiretized knowledge from sources, is at it’s heart racist, because it was White People who knocked down the Pyr-O-Mids, which proves that Racism has been systemitallically instootooted by those who would, if axcentualifical be promotors of mongering

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