The World Economic Forum Has ‘Canceled’ Vladimir Putin – IOTW Report

The World Economic Forum Has ‘Canceled’ Vladimir Putin


Russian president Vladimir Putin has been banned from attending the annual gathering of global elites at Davos, Switzerland.

“The World Economic Forum, best known as the host of an annual meeting of elites in Davos, Switzerland, says it’s freezing all its relations with Russian entities following the invasion of Ukraine,” the Huffington Post reported.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin last participated in the event at a virtual ‘Davos Agenda’ meeting in January 2021. Previously, he attended the event in person,” the report added.

WEF said in a statement on Thursday about Russian officials that it “will not engage with any sanctioned individual or institution in any of our activities.”

Big Tech giants have launched an all out assault on Russia’s digital and social media users in the aftermath of the Ukraine invasion: Deplatforming Russian state media sites, demonetizing users on Instagram and YouTube, and blocking access within the country.

A new report in the Washington Post reveals that Putin reportedly escalated his confrontation with Big Tech companies in highly personal fashion beginning last September.

“Russian agents came to the home of Google’s top executive in Moscow to deliver a frightening ultimatum last September: take down an app that had drawn the ire of Russian President Vladimir Putin within 24 hours or be taken to prison,” WaPo reports.


8 Comments on The World Economic Forum Has ‘Canceled’ Vladimir Putin

  1. I have no sympathy for Putin but just because they all dog pile on him now doesn’t make any of them moral authorities. We just went through two years of vaccine lies and Bio weapon lab cover ups from many of them. Our own simpleton- n-chief can’t even admit his policies have created the worst inflation in over 40 years!
    Putin still has plenty of ways to get even and he’s the type to hold a grudge. These arrogant elites forget that we all pay for their virtue signaling.

  2. Joe6pak,

    You’re welcome to come BUT What the hell for?
    Gas is more expensive up here.
    There are way more liberals up here, (65% Lib, NDP, & Qubecois combined)
    It’s colder up & when the snow melts everything is covered in Shit from the Canada Geese.
    And then you would have English, Spanish, French on everything you buy.

  3. All the major western leaders are men without chests. Credentialed cucks elevated into positions through the established transmission lines of the unseen hegemon.

    Putin is not such a man. The invasion of Ukraine did not happen in a vacuum, review the last thirty five years history viz NATO and the west, the collapse of the Soviet Union, emergence of the current Russian state and the broader history of nation state competition.

    Trump is not such a man, and look what the western unseen hegemon did to remove him from the position to which we elevated him in our frustration and anger at the results the previous lackwits and tools provided us.

    Trudeau in Canada is such a man, a man without a chest, he gave us another taste of what we can expect if we again disobey, in an effective way, the unseen hegemon.

    The government and media reaction to Putin’s last resort, violent opposition to the aim of the western hegemon ought to be another lesson to us. It took the release of COVID on the world to eliminate Trump from office and they used it on us willingly. A nuclear war to prevent Putin thwarting the hegemon’s aims is absolutely on the table for these people and they have the power to make it happen.


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