The worst administration ever… worse than Obama – IOTW Report

The worst administration ever… worse than Obama

17 Comments on The worst administration ever… worse than Obama

  1. Same people are running this one as well as they did Obamas’. This time they’ve got a brain dead puppet who is going to be taking the arrows so they can ramp up the oppression to 11.

    Not a doubt in the world when Obama said he wanted to be the man behind the curtain that he let his big fucking mouth get away from him. I could just see ValGal gnashing her teeth the first time she heard that.

  2. Until this administration Justine Turdeau was clearly the biggest IDIOT in the western world, but I am shocked at how fast the stupid grew & multiplied.

    Sorry friends, you actually have it worse than us.

  3. Yes, this is Obama’s third term. I am waiting to see how they are going to get Michelle in to finish Biden’s term, after he dies or is otherwise removed from office.

    The easiest way is to remove Harris and put Michelle in as VP. I don’t think Harris going to SCOTUS will happen.

    I suppose she could become clintonized (wasn’t her husband recently hurried out of an elementary school because of a bomb threat?), but that might require replacing Michelle with Hillary in the equation. Maybe Hillary would finish Biden’s term, as a consolation prize, with Michelle as her VP? That would set Michelle up for ’24.

    If I were Harris, I would be very, very worried (she has been sent to Europe to ride point on the the third Obama administration’s imminent Ukraine crisis. Hmmmm?). For myself and the rest of us I am very, very, extremely worried.

  4. They learned a lot from the first 2 0bama terms, during which they shoved through Dodd-Frank and 0bamacare but not much else of substance before GOP got the 41st Senate seat (and before they were willing to ditch the filibuster). Now they are doing everything they can, knowing that after November they can’t get anything passed. Of course the administration will continue to destroy the country via EO.
    We are extremely fortunate that Synema and Manchin have refused to give in on the filibuster.

  5. VAL JAR said at Princeton in ’78 that
    she would use our constitution to bring
    in Islam & Sharia.These enemies have been groomed
    and have been planning this overthrow for a
    long time.


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