The Worst President Ever Repeats a Thoroughly Debunked Lie About Trump – His Morons Eat it Up – IOTW Report

The Worst President Ever Repeats a Thoroughly Debunked Lie About Trump – His Morons Eat it Up

So sick of this.

9 Comments on The Worst President Ever Repeats a Thoroughly Debunked Lie About Trump – His Morons Eat it Up

  1. If you repeat a lie long enough, peepul accept it as truth…. regardless of what their lying eyes tell them.

  2. Instead of reporting the news like they should (and haven’t done for a looong time) the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media are openly acting as his fifth column pushing their lies. Their ratings have been so low for years they they can’t get the ad money they used to, they sold themselves to the highest bidders and this is the result.


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