The Worst Racist President Ever signs the FUTURE Act, providing a minimum of $255 million annually to black colleges – IOTW Report

The Worst Racist President Ever signs the FUTURE Act, providing a minimum of $255 million annually to black colleges


President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.

24 Comments on The Worst Racist President Ever signs the FUTURE Act, providing a minimum of $255 million annually to black colleges

  1. As much as I love the man, federal government has no business (per the Constitution) being involved in education in any way.
    But then, the federal government has no business being involved in many of the institutions it has infected. It is an insidious, ever growing parasite, kinda like Kudzu; It needs to be cut back often and drastically, even if only to keep its host alive at all.

  2. “that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities”

    I consider that very racist!

    what about white students?
    or is whites funding their colored counterparts their “white privilege” ?

  3. I know a number of whites that received “minority” scholarships to attend Howard, VA State and VA Union… Whilst often not accredited, sometimes it is all about the “paper”…..
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  4. Nixon gave em the EPA – look what good it did him.

    Fuck em! Give em nothing. Don’t back up a single step.
    Any concession is weakness.

    Make them say: “Thank you for not killing me.”
    “Thank you for allowing me to eat crumbs off your floor.”
    “Thank you for letting me sleep with the dog (to keep warm).”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. All colleges are far left indoctrination centers. HBCUs are worse so offering degrees in advanced victimization and calling people racist.

    On top of being segregationists.

  6. Eh. Not a fan publicly funded colleges- I don’t care who is in them.
    They are retailers.
    If 7-11 and Pizza Hut have to make it on their own receipts, so should colleges.
    When retailers produce unusable crap, they go out of business.
    So should universities.

  7. How much more money needs to be spent year after year to appease the black activists?
    You have as good a chance as anyone else { and likely more} so suck it up and quit whining about how terrible you have it. There should be some effort spent on the real forgotten people out there but most are too proud to ask for help.

  8. “At least he isn’t giving away EBT cards, subsidized housing, and so on.”

    What’s the difference?

    Instead of hobos and bums getting it, a bunch of lazy, worthless, ignorant “Academics” and their succubusses (succubi?) get it.
    Handouts are handouts, regardless of the degree one holds.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. This just proves he’s a racist, thinking black colleges and universities can’t make money on their own like white ones do. Just put them back in chains why don’t you, fashist.

  10. Although President Trump has supported and created incredible conservative policies, he’s morally a moderate, not intensely conservative. Federally funding HBCUs make sense to him.
    Begging for HBCU funding is constant and setting aside a specific amount annually does limit some of the fraud that’s inevitable.
    However, the left will not be satisfied with this appeasement. They will make a ludicrous claim, able bodied SNAP recipients losing benefits and then providing annual funding of HBCUs is unacceptable because for leftists, it’s all about pilfering taxpayers – by any means necessary.

  11. “he’s morally a moderate, not intensely conservative.”

    Totally disagree. The man is color blind and loves all true Americans.
    And, it’s a special kind of stupid that interprets him saying he’s a Nationalist with being a White Nationalist.


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