The Year’s Most Annoying and Boring – IOTW Report

The Year’s Most Annoying and Boring

We’re nearly done with 2016 and therefore every media outlet is padding their content with list of best or most influential.





Least Intriguing

There’s  list of people who really got on my last nerve this year.  I’m sure all of us can come up with two or three more names of people we’ve lost our patience with.

I’ll share my list of names after we get this party going.


36 Comments on The Year’s Most Annoying and Boring

  1. Harry Reid
    Lardass Dumbham
    Rachel Madcow
    every transgender
    Colin Kaepernick
    every bearded wimpy hipster pretend mountain man
    Killary Clinton
    that John (intiial) something who posted here before the election and is no more

  2. Ron Jeremy,
    Big bird,
    Tony the Tiger,
    My shoelaces,
    Pajama boy,
    Tiny Tim,
    Triggelypuff, (stupid fat people in general)
    All the rest of you know who you are.

  3. Chunk Todd
    Penis Morgan
    Stephen Blowbert
    John Prickerson
    Bob scHieffer
    Lesley Slut
    Rachel Mancow
    Katie Turd
    Morning Joke
    Andrea Mitchell
    I still have stuff to do…

  4. Mike Lindell – the MyPillow Guy
    Martin Sheen – for multiple infractions
    Amy Schumer – ditto
    Josh Earnest – who was never honest, earnest or joshing
    Colin Kaepernick – looking forward to his forced retirement

  5. Anthony Wiener
    Bill Clinton
    Samantha Powers
    Van Jones
    Bill O’Rielly
    Valerie Jarrett
    Mooshell Obama
    Juan Williams
    Mayor Bloomburg
    That’s enough for now.

    Annie Go Trump
    Oh yeah, Mrs. Robinson the Wookies Mama!

  6. Placing Julian Assange as #2 on “least interesting”
    is at a minimum a very nasty swipe.

    * the graveyard formerly known as the MSM

    * Rachel Dolezal…along side the mentioned Sean King

  7. Every global hysterical warming creature on the planet and the people who give them millions of taxpayer dollars.

    There’s a special place in Hell for Al Gore and John Edwards

  8. All the idiot celeb wannabes who tried to make a virtue signaling name for themselves by taking a premature ‘stand against Trump’ when exactly zero people had asked for their opinion or work in the first place.
    Some examples:
    That fashion designer to Moooch who announced he won’t be designing for Melania, though nobody asked him to.
    Every celebwannabe who vowed not to participate in the inauguration, before anyone thought to ask.

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