Their Pronouns Are $8/$8 – IOTW Report

Their Pronouns Are $8/$8

h/t Brad.

22 Comments on Their Pronouns Are $8/$8

  1. My daughter & son Both are at Queens university in Kingston where Elon went. (FLUKE)

    My daughter is very bright, a hard worker & earning while she studies in her last year. Everything you want in a young lady.

    My son Streaked across Richardson Football stadium with 4 other girls & 1 other guy last Saturday night at 3AM. Everything you want in a Boy.

    He tells me RUMOURS of what Elon pulled off while there.

    Hail Tower of Isenguard (its a challenge)
    11 stories of stacked cans to the ceiling after 3AM in the graduation hall.

  2. At the end of the day I enjoy a scroll through several known to me liberal Twitter feeds. They are now schizophrenic as to who they hate more-Trump or Elon.

    Twitter is soooo much more fun to read since GenXManBad took over. 😂

  3. If it is true, I think it’s his way of not displaying this kind of mental illness on his media platform…or at least keeping it to a bare minimum.

    Wonder if it might also be a very slight dig at his own trans kid?

  4. Our condition is not your pronoun!
    — The Multiple Personalities Community
    Using they/them when you do NOT have multiple personalities is as multiple-personalities-phonic as that horrible movie “The Three Faces of Eve.”


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