Then and Now Photo of four buddies has significant poignance – IOTW Report

Then and Now Photo of four buddies has significant poignance


The day the original photo was taken had particular significance.

It was just days before they were all going off to Vietnam.

11 Comments on Then and Now Photo of four buddies has significant poignance

  1. Robert McNamara one of the best and so called brightest died in 2009. They should’ve run him out of the country before that damned war in Vietnam ever got a chance to escalate in 1964 & 65, along with LBJ (Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids have you killed today) .He is also one of the pinheads responsible for the Ford Edsel in the late 50’s when he worked for Ford. Both of them were lemons except Vietnam killed 55,000 + good men of mine and my dad’s generations. We could’ve and should’ve won that damned war and Korea as well. That war and it’s terrible outcome still divides a lot of my generation who were old enough to serve (or dodge the draft, or protest against the Vietnam war etc.) in the military back in the 60’s and early 70’s. We will never be over Vietnam till the last baby boomer has died sometime in the next 30 – 40 years.

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