Then There Were Five – IOTW Report

Then There Were Five

Biden, Sanders, Gabbard, Warren and Bloomberg.

Who do you think it will be?

Or is there still someone waiting in the wings?

38 Comments on Then There Were Five

  1. Sanders, if he doesn’t get screwed out of it they way he was last time around.

    Elections should reflect the people of the party, my low opinion of their candidates doesn’t mean I don’t want their selection to be made fairly and above board instead of underhandedly beneath the table.

  2. Their [Demonrats] hatred of President Trump and all things American have driven them into paroxysms of rage and internecine warfare among themselves (heh, heh) divvying up the spoils and hurling recriminations before the battle is won – a common failing of barbarians.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m not 100% convinced, but my wife is sure that Mooch is going to be the draft candidate and that she’ll win in November. She will get to use the race card and the woman card, and unfortunately, there are plenty of people in this country stupid enough to vote for her for those reasons alone. If it happens, it is the end of the USA as we know it forever.

  4. I still think Slow Joe will win the nomination, but will pull out soon thereafter by reason of insanity. Mooshelle or Hillary will swoop in to save the day.

  5. Yeah, sure, it’s Mooch. Because America just loves to elect democrat first ladies. Seriously, Congress, not the Executive, is the branch of government where the wives take over their husbands’ seats.

    And speaking of first ladies, please remember that Mooch declared herself to be our “Forever First Lady”. No way is she going to risk damaging that brand, and no way Barky wants to give her the spotlight. I know we like to tell silly, scary stories around the campfire, but let’s not start believing them.

  6. The MSM sure don’t like to mention Tulsi Gabbard, who is still in the race. Yes, she’s a committed leftie, but she’s military, believes in America, and she is not a shrill ideologue. Her slogan in the Dem primaries should have been, “Tulsi: At least she’s not insane.”

  7. No one in the tank, unless Iger wasn’t forced out at Disney. Howard Schultz didn’t have the charisma. The salve to put on the Bern is all dried up. ‘Rats have let the redness finally come out after 70 years. The next election is the danger zone. What slicked-back ‘Rat can sell “I’m just here to rob you” without giving the commie vibe?

  8. Bloomy will buy a brokered convention. The only thing in doubt is how big the check he writes will need to be. The DNC knows they have a snowball’s chance in hell this time ’round so they will take as much money as they can and wait four years.

    Unfortunately, there isn’t a good follow on for our side. I do not and never have trusted Pence. Remember Bush the first was Ronnie’s VP.

  9. “Elections should reflect the people of the party, …. I (don’t) want their selection to be made fairly and above board instead of underhandedly beneath the table.”

    But that’s who today’s democrats are: unfair (disingenuine), underhanded, NOT above board…

    iow, Communists

  10. I think they’re going to drag Biden over the finish line. Fact is, Biden is just a vessel. The people who want Biden to win are all the old Obama gang which is why we’re seeing Susan Rice, John Brennan and that corrupt crew endorsing him. All those deep state hacks want back in power and Joe’s just the vessel they’ll use to get there.

  11. For what it’s worth: Biden.

    Gabbard hasn’t gotten any traction, although I suppose she’s still in the race. Warren panders too much to fringe groups and isn’t “authentic” with her claims of native American heritage, her painful “let’s have a beer” charade, etc. – too many voters see Warren for who she is. Bloomberg is just plain unlikeable to much of America – he may be the one candidate many Democrats dislike as much as Trump. That leaves Sanders and Biden, and Sanders is a cranky old communist that appeals only to the far left base. Particularly if Sanders does as well as expected today, he isn’t going away.

    Although some people have speculated about Hillary and Michelle Obama, the only one pushing a “draft Hillary” campaign seems to be Hillary. Michelle has given no indication she wants the nomination. That leaves Sanders fighting it out with Biden, and clearly the DNC would prefer Biden because mainstream Democrats would likely loath Sanders as much as Republicans do.

    Biden’s campaign strategy should be to just stand there mute. Biden’s biggest problem is Biden, and if it comes down to Biden and Sanders, all Biden has to do is shut up and not screw up.

  12. It’s Biden.
    He’ll be dealt with in the same way Fat Hilary was getting into the limo. They will chuck him over the line.
    The will carry him everywhere, assign him his own huge black man with an injector and he will be the Marionette Candidate with fifty handlers.
    He will pick either Kamala or another Woman of Color strictly for the pander factor.
    Mr. Trump will eat him like a Taco Bowl and we can get back to business.
    I have long thought that Pelosi is throwing this election by embracing Bernie and letting Shithead Schiff and No Nads Nadler and the squad run wild. She is waiting for the inevitable split where the Socialists start their own party and she can be rid of them all, and move back to the center and try to revive the old Democrat party of Jack Kennedy

  13. I might actually give half a 💩who the Democrats pick to run for president if they were running against anyone except Donald J. Trump.

    But they’re not, so I don’t.

  14. Sitcoms spinoffs for the raucous rat’s nest in Milwaukee:
    Laverne and Shirley Dude It Up – Two big lesbians vying to determine who gets to be the man in their ‘relationship’.
    Happy Days That Weren’t – An ankle grab of apologies to anyone who isn’t white.

  15. Using my chemo addled brain and run down immune system which is helping me think like a Dem and partially inspired by a post I read at (which I cannot find now to credit). Sorry , Sorry if it makes no sense, but:

    Given the way the dems try to shred the Constitution, THEY might run bummer again. 22A prevents his election as President, but it does not specifically prevent the Dems from putting him on the ballots. (Think years of lawsuits and courts to prevent such a ballot. ) BUT, If he won, the House would be the certifying body. If the left holds the house – Armageddon. What better way to keep hellish turmoil and the shredding of the Constitution going? Yes, I believe the Dems are capable of doing such.

    While he is serving, people with standing would have to take it to court, ultimately to the SC.

  16. Biden, IMHO.

    Mooch doesn’t want to do any actual work.
    B. Hussein 0bama just wants to eat his waffles and spend his newfound fortune, plus they’d have to pay for the rented kids for four more years.
    Hillary stealing Bernie’s big chance AGAIN would drive the Bernie Bros to new heights of violent insanity. The convention would be hilarious but bloody.
    So I think they’re stuck with Biden.

  17. @Mary P

    I would really like to see the Bernie Bros go totally bonkers with rage. They can crank it up and get real nasty – it’s OK by me. It will be a great excuse to get out the guns, knives, ropes.

    Have at it, Bernie Effing Bros.

  18. Biden will get the Democrat nomination, which will send the Bernie campaign into a tailspin. They will not go quietly into the night, but will run as a Third Party candidate (since Bernie is really an Independent).

    Bernie the Spoiler (like Ross Perot) will give Trump the landslide !


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