There Are Battle Lines Are Being Drawn – IOTW Report

There Are Battle Lines Are Being Drawn

PJ Media

The City of Chicago is gearing up to host the Democratic National Convention, which opens next Monday at the United Center.

The Coalition To March On The DNC, an organization comprised of more than 200 groups from around the country, will descend on the city to protest the Gaza War. The coalition has already lost a big case in court. They were suing the city to be placed within “sight and sound” of the United Center. But a federal judge wisely turned down their request. They will instead be placed three miles from the United Center in an obscure public park. 

“We’re here to show off our city,” John Roberson, chief operating officer for Mayor Brandon Johnson’s office, said. “We’re here in this moment to show that Chicago can shine. We’re here to demonstrate that in this moment, that we can host the most democratic of activities, the nomination of someone to the highest office of our land and to provide space and room for the full expression of our First and Fourth Amendment rights.”

Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling is working to make the convention “safe.” More

Where’s Stephen Stills, for what it’s worth? Never mind

23 Comments on There Are Battle Lines Are Being Drawn

  1. “We’re here to demonstrate that in this moment, that we can host the most UNdemocratic of activities, the UNPRIMARIED nomination of someone COMPLETELY UNQUALIFIED to the highest office of our land”

  2. Oh how I am hoping the commies flame the joint! Oh Antifa, BLM, hamas, PLFP, SWP, Farmer worker party, DSP, ALL you scumbag leftist pukes, out, out, out into the street! Molotov cocktails, clubs, spears, fireworks and bigger, infernal devices of every kind! Show your stuff you putrid rotten dregs of the results of inbreeding and antibiotic over use! Burn, baby burn you freaks, you mutants, you scum of the earth!

  3. Next week’s democrap convention is going to be 1968 redux on a much larger scale this time. It’s not just the hippies and the anti-Vietnam war protestors disrupting the democraps, it’s every freak, anti-God, anti-Jewish, gay, transgender, pro aborts and anti-American fringe groups etc. on steroids that will be protesting and disrupting them next week. The Chicago cops better be loaded for bear because it could get very ugly with all the infighting amongst each other duking it out to see who can control the democrap party and its ongoing destruction of America. I believe that they will self-destruct fighting one another and cause most normal American citizens to be appalled and vote for Trump just like in 68 when Nixon became president as the law-and-order candidate.

  4. So no pallets of bricks dropped off in convenient locations near the United Center? No caches of baseball bats and axe handles? No busloads of rioters streaming into downtown? Boring. If they’re going to exile the rioters to a park, they could at least put them in Jackson Park, by their buddy Obama’s Presidential Center.

  5. “Where’s Stephen Stills, for what it’s worth?”
    I see what you did there.
    Pepperidge Farms remembers.
    Well played.
    (but the linked updated version of the song sux)

    Look at when and where they gave that performance. – Dr. Tar

  6. Socialists, Marxists and Communists will be seated in the Convention Center.

    The democrats embrace funding the Ukraine war, but support palestinian Hamas for indiscriminately raping and murdering Israeli citizens.

    Lord, show us the true hearts of the evil faction of the DNC.

  7. Two score and 16 years ago our liberal ancestors
    brought forth in this once great city an ominous convention,
    conceived in Liberalism, and dedicated to the proposition
    that all men are but subjects of the state…

    (Your turn… I can’t do it.)

  8. Now they are engaged in a great internal civil war
    testing whether the unqualified and untalented can hold on to the party’s nomination.
    They are gathered at a great urban democrat failure to dedicate themselves to the coronation of the ungifted and unlikeable.

    It is both a travesty and an abomination against the elective process. But, in a larger sense they cannot consecrate they can inaugurate they cannot sanction these acts. The radical and violent who will fight in the streets outside the convention will discredit the whole affair.

    The world will little note or long remember the rambling self- aggrandizing speeches uttered forth by the elites. It will however not forget the clear indications of weakness and division displayed there.

    It is for us the patriotic rather to be dedicated to the cause of crushing these scoundrels as we did eight years ago.
    Rather, is it for us the ethical to be dedicated to the great task of throwing the democrats out of power for a generation or more.

    From our fellow MAGA citizens we take increased devotion to the cause of righting this nation. We do highly resolve that MAGA shall once again lead the nation and with God, drain the swamp so that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish for the earth.


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