There Are More Than Se7en Things To Dislike In Spending Bill – IOTW Report

There Are More Than Se7en Things To Dislike In Spending Bill

The spending bill that will keep our federal government going into September has plenty of glaring omissions and additions that should make any Conservative demand the whole thing be scrapped and the government be allowed to shut down.

The $1.3 trillion bill keeps Planned Parenthood funded, money for the Gateway Project (NY-NJ tunnel so important to Schumer and disliked by the President), funding for sanctuary cities and the controversial background check NICS program, plus an additional $63 billion in domestic spending. It doesn’t funding the border wall. More


20 Comments on There Are More Than Se7en Things To Dislike In Spending Bill

  1. Oh, but we must oppose Donald Trump because he is not a true conservative fighting for conservative values as are the Republicans in Congress.

    And didn’t the true conservatives say we would have an actual budget by now?

  2. Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan and McConnell have insulted the intelligence of the American taxpayer with the presentation of this travesty supposing to be a spending budget. Planned Parenthood continues to receive taxpayer funds to redistribute to democrats reelection campaigns, Schumer gets the NY/NJ version of the big dig so he can pay off his union buddies, very little wall funding is included and pathetic raises for troops but lots of money for the pentagon.
    We all know that the pentagon is a shining example of cost effectiveness and efficiency, right.
    I sincerely hope that this does not pass or President Trump vetos it.
    When does RINO season open?

  3. Is there any doubt now that the majority of republicans in Congress are on the take from the very same entities that own the democrats completely? This omnibus bill is a complete crock of shit, every bit of it.

  4. “Oh, but ‘we’ CANT’T risk turning The House over to the Demmocrats in Novermber! This very Novermber! ‘We’ HAVE to give ‘them’ what ‘they’ want! RIGHT NOW!! Or ‘we’ll’, uhm, ah… Russia, Russia, RUSSIA!!!!!”

  5. Trump needs to veto this BS. Trump is the one that was voted in to drain the swamp and stop this crap. The only way he loses support is if he starts going along with the same old BS. And he is going to piss a lot of people off if he signs this.

  6. Please call the White House, everyone in senate, everyone in congress text, email the president to veto this bill I being in the phone since 8:00 am I don’t care everyone of this mother Fuc will 👂 from me. The bill will found plan parenthood, the train 🚂 Shit from New Jersey to New York, more H1 visa, no money for the walls.

  7. I’m hoping Trump will veto this Uniparty atrocity. It wiould be his first Veto. Time to use that Presidential tool.

    Kudos to Breitbart for doing a great job as usual of highlighting the provisions of this monstrosity.

    Another proof that Ryan and McConnell are pure Swamp Uniparty and they have to go.
    And I’m sure PDT would have been able to replace them by now if not for distractions like the Mueller campaign of attrition.

    Shut the Government down? Fine. Schumer/Pelosi will be blamed. Every shutdown reminds Americans just how unnecessary and parasitic the Fed Gov actually is.

  8. Ryan and McCONnell the progressive RINOs who control the distribution of $millions raised in congressional and senate campaign committees will use that hammer to gain the votes for passage. And the self-serving sheep in congress will follow.

    Still think they are Republicans? Still think they support Trump and the American people? Not in the least.

    Veto it !

  9. This spending bill is 2,232 pages long and nobody in congress has read it yet. This is another one of those “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it” bills. Remember how the last one like that turned out?

  10. BREAKING: The House Just Voted!!
    The House of Representatives has voted to advance the spending bill.
    25 Republicans voted against the measure.

    They are more than willing to sacrifice the long term stability of the US for short-term goals of the democrats.

  11. I guess this battle can’t be won through elections. Anyone have an idea on how to take over the Chamber of Commerce so that their bought and paid for politicians might do the will of the people?

  12. Not only don’t your votes count any longer, but even the members of Congress are ignored and merely presented with a take-it-or-shutdown bill at the last minute.

    Folks, we are being ruled by a Junta consisting of Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan, and McConnell. Trump has rolled over, I fear.

  13. It’s official America is over. Republican will outspend Obama.
    As the WHO sang .. new boss same as the old boss.
    Mr. Trump PLEASE VETO THIS PIECE OF SHIT BILL. I’m starting to hate Ryan more than Schumer.

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