There Doesn’t Appear To Be A Translation For “Peace” In Afghanistan – IOTW Report

There Doesn’t Appear To Be A Translation For “Peace” In Afghanistan

Let’s check in on the peace process currently underway in Afghanistan. Now that we’ve sign an accord with the Taliban, there are specific steps that must be completed.

First off, an exchange of prisoners. Except the Asraf Ghani, Afghanistan’s current head of state, balked at the idea of an accelerated release . Here

The Taliban responded in the only way they seem to know how, by commencing hostilities again by attacking civilians. Here

We took the very measured approach of air strikes on a Taliban force assaulting a check point in Helmund province. Here

Yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned both sides to stop acting like Afghans and get back to being peaceful – so we can get the heck out of there. More


15 Comments on There Doesn’t Appear To Be A Translation For “Peace” In Afghanistan

  1. Whenever the West faces a Muslim enemy, we need to stomp them into the ground, kill all their leaders, and LEAVE. Then, prepare to do the same thing again in a generation or two. That’s what the British Empire did after they killed Chinese Gordon in Khartoum, and again when some goatf*cker claimed to be the Mahdi.

  2. @geeknerd: “Islam” does NOT mean “peace;” it means “surrender,” to sharia.

    Have often seen it as ‘submit’ or ‘submission.’
    Probably more accurate.

  3. The word Peace, when they hear it, is translated to Piece of Goat.

    Ali: Hey Achmed, let’s go into town tonight…maybe we’ll get lucky and find a piece.
    Achmed: Ali, why do you always say that? You know I like little boys a lot more than a piece of goat.
    Ali: Ah, but I know a place where very young boy goats like to hang around…see, you get what you want and I get what I want.
    Achmed: OK, winner. As long as it’s a male of any species, I’m good. Lets go.


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