There is Everything To Fear Including Fear Itself – IOTW Report

There is Everything To Fear Including Fear Itself

The Belgian march against fear was canceled due to… fear.


Belgian authorities asked people not to join a “March against Fear” Sunday after the deadly Brussels airport and metro attacks because of security concerns, suggesting the rally should be delayed by several weeks.

“We invite the citizens tomorrow to not have this manifestation,” Interior Minister Jan Jambon said in English Saturday, citing security fears as Belgium remains on high alert after Tuesday’s attacks which left 31 dead and 300 wounded.

Organisers said Sunday’s march was meant to show that Brussels and the country at large refused to be intimidated by terrorism and that everyone stood together.

“This week, we, Belgian citizens have been attacked, in how we live, our customs, our rights, our liberty,” a statement said.

“The first reaction in such events is to withdraw but on reflection, fear must give way to hope and the defence of our values.”



21 Comments on There is Everything To Fear Including Fear Itself

  1. What pussies.

    I will always remember Mayor Giulianin–a guy who doesn’t believe in being bullied–urging New Yorkers to carry on as usual after the attacks on the World Trade Center.

  2. “We invite the citizens tomorrow to not have this manifestation,” Interior Minister Jan Jambon said in English Saturday…”

    Guy doesn’t even speak English. That sentence is painful.

  3. “Interior Minister Jan Jambon”
    Shocking he hasn’t been ordered to change his name to not offend Moslems. Jambon = ham in French.

    I wonder how these EU maroons like their anti-gun governments now?

  4. There has to be a delusional blinding stupidity virus infecting western liberals to get to where we are now. This march idea is insanity. Je Suis Un Lemming. Soft targets and potential victims of another atrocity. The Belgian authorities are actually trying to do something right for once.

    This childish emotional virtue signalling makes me want to throw up. Fuck off with your hash tags and candles, holding up welcoming signs to muslim “immigrants” to prove you’re not a racist, and playing John Lennon songs. It might make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but won’t do a damn thing to stop the very real bombs and bullets of murderous islamic guerrilla warfare.

    Reap the whirlwind. How many more innocents get raped and murdered before people wake up and make the difficult adult decisions to take the fight to the sources of the satanic conquest?

    A march to string up liberal elitist traitors and suicidal useful dhimmi idiots from lamp posts would have been a better idea, and a good first step towards self- and civilizational preservation.

  5. What they need is an armed parade through the worst moslem sections. On the lead float, have somebody tearing out the pages of a koran, dipping them in bacon grease, lighting them afire, and then tossing them to the moslem onlookers.
    Anybody who hollers any kind of akbar gets to go find out that there aren’t really 72 virgins waiting for them.

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