There is No Debate; Chris Wallace Sucks As A Moderator – IOTW Report

There is No Debate; Chris Wallace Sucks As A Moderator

Just a few samples:

Townhall, “The Worst Moments From the Debate Came From Moderator Chris Wallace” Here

The Washington Examiner, “Chris Wallace is a miserable debate moderator,” Here

American Thinker, “The debate? Trump was great, Chris Wallace was a dreadful disgrace” Here

Breitbart, “Fact Check: Chris Wallace Falsely Implies Trump Never Condemned White Supremacists” Here

26 Comments on There is No Debate; Chris Wallace Sucks As A Moderator

  1. You could hear his voice getting shaky near the end of the evening. He was ticked off that Trump was managing to get facts, actual policy and points against Biden in despite his best efforts.
    Funny, none of the lamestream lapdogs mentioned that the only one calling anyone names was Biden. You could tell, also near the end, that Biden’s meds were wearing off. He started talking in word salads.

  2. Even some FOX hosts were trashing Wallace.

    Did you see at one moment where Wallace was interrupting Trump on Joe’s behalf and Joe started smiling and smirking at Trump? He did everything but say, “ha haaaa” and point his bony finger.

    Wallace only proved the retarded baby bird with the eyebrow makeup and eye liner needed help.

  3. Who are now the democrat party president nominees?
    It started out as Biden-Harris.
    Then Kamala changed it to Harris-Biden admin.

    Now it seems to be; Biden-Wallace-Harris, Wallace-Biden-Harris, Biden-Harris-Wallace. Or some other hierarchy.

  4. Trump was totally unprepared, and Chris Wallace was pining for the approval of his left wing brethren. Anyone who has listened to Chris Wallace should have known he was going to be repeating left wing talking points. Trump needed to win moderates, he could have taken the high road and been fine.

  5. robert, the reason Trump won in 2016 is because those of us that love the guy do so because HE FIGHTS! If we wanted someone that will take the high road we would have voted for Yeb Boosh. We are in a war, and these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS have been trying to take him out since 2015. I’d be pissed off too, and looking for a fight!

  6. Wallace interrupted Trump 76 times. He interrupted Biden 15 times.
    Chris Wallace is a petty little man with an agenda who doesn’t have a clue how to handle a real man like President Trump.
    Joe is the perfect poster boy for the decaying democrat party.

  7. robert SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AT 3:19 PM
    “Trump needed to win moderates, he could have taken the high road and been fine.”

    I don’t care about moderates. The hell with moderates. They’re stupid. We don’t need stupid people. The rino republican party has been shoving the moderate banana up our asses for too long.

    We need the citizens that gave up and quit voting because of milk-toast bullshit rino politicians to come back to the polls. That’s where we’ll win.


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