There’s Only One Way Out – End the Fed – IOTW Report

There’s Only One Way Out – End the Fed

PJ Media

So now it’s the Federal Reserve that’s going to either taint the November election or tank the economy.

“Delivering a rate cut ahead of the election could rile up Republicans and former President Donald Trump,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, “but withholding a needed reduction could undermine the economy and upset Democrats.” More

11 Comments on There’s Only One Way Out – End the Fed

  1. Washington Post and msNBC are trying to stoke up Banker Talk to see if anything sticks, A La Vindermanns Zalenskys Phone Call Impeachment Setup.

    Carol Lennig (??SP) and she is 100% State Dept Mean Girl level concocter feeder.

  2. Commander in Chief Biden has just ordered another Carrier Group to deploy to the Middle East.

    Can you imagine the panic that must be going on?

    It explains the Everything Is Wonderful Kamalot Krush going on at the same tme.

    What doesn’t Joe know and isn’t telling?

    PS: Kammy has canned the White House team and brought in Obama s team.


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