There’s Some Kind of Gay Day for Every Month of the Year, 50 in All – IOTW Report

There’s Some Kind of Gay Day for Every Month of the Year, 50 in All


The Biden administration’s decision to honor “Transgender Awareness Day” on Easter Sunday has caused widespread controversy.

However, many Americans may be unaware that there are more than 50 LGBTQIA2S+-themed holidays. Transgender Day of Visibility was already on the calendar before this week. More

22 Comments on There’s Some Kind of Gay Day for Every Month of the Year, 50 in All

  1. Unlucky us, we’re only 2 months away from fag month in June. I will not be participating. My mom and my son’s birthdays are both in June and my mom’s birthday is June 19th which unfortunately has become Juneteenth. I’ve got an idea you leave us alone and we’ll leave you the hell alone and we might actually get along with one another, but I doubt it since you have to push all your sins on us and expect us to bend over and kiss your ass in agreement. I will not comply nor go along with your perverted lifestyles.

  2. They are really engendering a lot of animosity among high school age guys with this shit of continuous and everlasting push, push, pushing of “the message.” If you know any guys that age well enough and they trust you enough they will tell you that they just shut up and don’t express any opinion whatsoever at school, but outside of the controlled environment most are fed the fuck up and have flat out had it with the constant consciousness raising horseshit. It isn’t just the gay/trans, it’s everything.

  3. Homosexuality is a cancer in all its forms. Treating it like a sin sick soul malady associated with heinous criminal activity would keep homosexuality’s effect on society at bay. That’s the way it used to be.

    God has been merciful through Christ. Giving these people a chance to repent, but there is a limit to God’s grace. The prayers of faithful Christians have kept this nation from complete doom. We’re on thin ice. Praying God keeps honoring His reasons for creating The United States of America despite the evil infiltration.

  4. “We just want to get married” started out as “what we do behind closed doors is none of your business”.

    If it had been left that way nobody would have cared, but they’ve spent half a century shoving their demands down our society’s throat and up its ass!

  5. The reason the queers go on and on and on about their choices in queerness is this: the still small voice in each one’s soul that says ‘this is wrong’. All the squawking, pleading, demanding that everyone else tolerate, accept, celebrate even, their deviance and reprobate character, is due to that little voice that will not be silenced, no matter how loud they shout.


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