These Are Scary Times for Bernie – IOTW Report

These Are Scary Times for Bernie

Daily Caller

“These are, you know, the scariest times in my lifetime … I think that’s objectively the truth. You know, it is not just they want to give tax breaks to billionaires and cut programs to working people,” Sanders said. “Frankly, that’s happened before. But you combine that with the power of the oligarchy in general. You combine that with Mr. Musk owning Twitter and able to send out his messages to hundreds of millions of people.”

Senator Bernie Sanders in an interview with Pod Save America


19 Comments on These Are Scary Times for Bernie

  1. Bernie’s suffering from elitist envy. He envies Elon and hates that Elon’s got an even louder bullhorn than Bernie has had for all these years. Bernie, you’re a fossil, and you should make it official and find a nice, warm tar pit to take a nice, long, fossilizing nap in.

  2. Can you say “oligarchy”? Good, because that’s our Buzzword of the Year at the DNC. Make sure to repeat it multiple times in every conversation or communication you have in 2025. If it works well, we may even bring it back for 2026!

  3. Liberals are always scared of something.

    “Reagan scares me”.
    “Trump scares me”
    “Musk scares me”

    They were even scared of both Bushes. I don’t know why.

    They are scared of Asteroids that come within 10 million miles of Earth.

    They are scared of Earth itself: “Mother Earth is going to kill us all if we don’t clean up our act”…it’s scary.”

    If a butterfly farts in a hurricane, that will scare them too.
    “Oh no, a butterfly farted…that’s going to melt Antarctica…I’m so scared”.

    They’re totally wimp weiners. Sanders leads the pack in wimpiness.

    Sanders, go hide your scrawny ass in your basement.

  4. The only thing scaring Bernie is that Musk, et al, may impede the grift.
    Somebody wrote that Bernie has stolen some $48 Million during his time “serving” the ignorant peeps of Vermont – he sure as Hell never worked for a single dime.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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