They Are Who We Thought They Were – IOTW Report

They Are Who We Thought They Were


That’s the thing about the left – they’ll happily tell you who they are and the horrible things they hold dear; all you have to do is believe them. 

The terrorist attack in Israel two weeks ago brought out the worst in the left, but it’s also their true self. You can’t cheer for the wholesale murder of innocent people and “really be a good person, deep down.” No, that’s not how it works. It’s the opposite – they are raging bigots and monsters who manage to tamp it down below the surface most of the time until there’s something to protest or celebrate. It’s really that simple. More

11 Comments on They Are Who We Thought They Were

  1. They think the Israelis are the oppressors, and that the only reason the Pali’s act the way they do is because of (the supposed) oppression. Remove the oppression and the Pali’s are nice. Hence, the cheering of Israel’s suffering. They think of it as some sort of cosmic justice. It’s all part of the Marxist worldview.

  2. Wild Bill has it. They’re Orcs. If there’s a non-Orc around they attack that. If there’re no non-Orcs around they eat one another for fun, to satisfy their blood lust. Of course I’m referring to leftists metaphorically, moslems specifically.

    They’re natural allies, the moslems and leftists, monsters in spirit with a smiley face pasted on for show.

  3. The worst are the BLM blacks, who benefitted so much from Jewish liberalism and who have, as much as anybody, enjoyed the butchery and rape of the Israelis the past few weeks. (Hear that, you stupid liberal Jews?)

  4. When the demonrats established the KKK everyone should have realized their racist worldview. And before that was the “Trail of Tears.” And after that was the Federal Reserve, Income Taxes, and the Union/collectivist/Satanic takeover of public “education,” and the World Wars – death on an Industrial scale.

    Anti-American, Anti-God, Anti-Decency from the beginning.
    Nothing was hidden – only thinly veiled by lies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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