They Creep Up In You – IOTW Report

They Creep Up In You

Photo courtesy of Suzi Nyberg.
Stockings from China

8 Comments on They Creep Up In You

  1. Article headline says They Creep Up In You
    but the packaging says They Creep In Up You
    I’m so confused! Which is it??? (-:

    Once you take time to stop and think about it, they’ve already creeped up in you. 😀
    – MJA.

  2. Aaaagh! I literally walked on fishnets of the ’60s. It was like walking on miniature ropes. The imprint and itchiness in the bottom of feet didn’t go away for at least an hour after taking them off.

    I now have decorative skin in the blue hues with a rippled effect. No need for fishnets and certainly don’t want them crawling up in me. 🙂

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