They Gave Mrs. Tampon Tim The Mic – IOTW Report

21 Comments on They Gave Mrs. Tampon Tim The Mic

  1. The Democrat party is packed with ideolgical harpies (Hildabeast, Mike O) whose personality is too repulsive, so they find some guy with a pleasant puss to run for them.

    PS Everybody had one, Harry.

  2. This broad is just like Jill Biden, LOVES the fame and attention that comes with being politically connected. He was trying to get the mic from her, but she was not giving it up. Not sure who is scarier, this type of woman or her peculiar spouse.

  3. Yeah, she’s coo coo for coco puffs crazy. This is the demoniac who said she enjoyed the smell of things burning during the Antifa/BLM riots.
    She’s a perfect match for Tampon Tim.

  4. One good thing about being old is that I remember a time when Democrats were all just normal people, we even had a Democrat President that was an actual combat veteran…and loved his country. That’s probably why they killed him. And from that point forward the entire party just went BAT SHIT CRAZY! Now if you want to be a democRAT in good standing, you need to be some kind of freak, pervert, or just a deranged psycho!


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