They Said Gerald Ford Was Stupid — – IOTW Report

They Said Gerald Ford Was Stupid —

19 Comments on They Said Gerald Ford Was Stupid —

  1. I went to high school with a couple of Ford’s kids, but well before Nixon & Co. hoovered him up to the White House. I didn’t know the kids but very superficially, but IIRC they described Dad as a great guy but a doofus. I never heard “stupid” but I did hear “doofus”. I think he got tapped to replace ol’ Spiro mainly because he was considered harmless by both the Reps and the Dems.

    Ah, yes. Spiro T. Agnew. Governor of Maryland, my home stateĀ¹. Boy, his is quite a tale…for another day.

    1. I haven’t set foot in that benighted state since 1997. It really, really pisses me off that those fucking dem pols have done there.

  2. @BFH — Quite so. Please note I didn’t say he was harmless. I said he was considered harmless. Perhaps “uncontroversial” would have been a better word choice.

  3. @Russian Bot.

    Not all women, but perhaps a small majority. There are plenty of conservative women out there, God Bless them.

    The women that fall for the Donk Party are needy women, who think they perpetually need money and support from the government. That point of view could come from a collective memory of being mostly unable to fend for themselves during 9 months of pregnancy and having to care for babies after giving birth.

    The ideas of freedom and independence originated mostly with men, I think. On the other side of that coin, men are responsible for a lot of outrageously bad ideas, like Marxism and the unending Star Wars movies.

  4. @Tim
    90% of women I know are liberal. My wife likes Trump, but if Obama’s on a talk show she gets giddy…loves his persona. Granted, I live in CA and I’m a nurse.


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