‘They shot him in the air’: Black teen, 16, shot dead by Chicago cop was jumping a fence – IOTW Report

‘They shot him in the air’: Black teen, 16, shot dead by Chicago cop was jumping a fence

  • 332094B400000578-3537205-image-a-26_1460555313902Pierre Loury, 16, was shot and killed by a police officer in Chicago on Monday evening 
  • An officer chased the teenager after he claims he fled from a car and  then pointed a gun at him, which resulted in the cop shooting Loury
  • Officer who has not been identified, has beenremoved from his patrol duties as authorities investigate the incident
  • An eyewitness claims that she saw Loury jumping a fence when he was shot, something confirmed by a law enforcement source
  • Police maintain that he pointed a gun saying that one was found on the scene while another claims Loury was a ‘documented gang member’ 
  • On Tuesday night, more than 100 people gathered for a vigil and protest after the fatal shooting


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41 Comments on ‘They shot him in the air’: Black teen, 16, shot dead by Chicago cop was jumping a fence

  1. “On Tuesday night, more than 100 people gathered for a vigil and protest after the fatal shooting”

    I would have planned ahead with wagons and handcuffs because I’m sure none of them were guilty of anything in their past and had no warrants out for their arrests.

    Because innocent snowflakes.

  2. I especially liked the posed picture of his mother “Tambrasha” trying to pretend like she really cares. Probably worried about missing the share of the government check she loses now that her good son is gone.

    Sixteen sure looks a lot different now than when I was sixteen.

  3. Win-win for society. One less gang banger, one less EBT card user, 1 less welfare breeder, 1 less murderer, 1 less welfare scum, 1 less Obama phone user. Life is good today!

  4. Hurrah! Good to know there’s one fewer of his type. I’d have preferred it if he’d killed himself falling off the fence head first, that way the incentive for “vigils” and crap would be lower, but I’ll take what I can get.

  5. another one of the unborn sons of our President…looks like a fine upstanding citizen and I believe he was going to be Mike Brown’s roommate at college this fall. RIP DinduNuffin

  6. A sad end to an empty, sordid, wasted life.

    Socialism will be touching ALL our lives, thusly, if we allow it to continue its rampage across the globe.

    Pray for his soul, and all the other lost souls in America … and beyond.

    izlamo delenda est …
    socializmo delenda est …

  7. Another clue . . . he didn’t have the same last name as his mother,“Tambrasha” .
    I’ll wager that none of his homies do, either.

    Probably didn’t know he was supposed to.

  8. Gee, Al, you can’t discern racial characteristics by sight, can you?

    Did he self-identify as a negro?

    Perhaps he self-identified as a Steeplechase Horse?

    Now, we’ll never know …

    izlamo delenda est …
    socializmo delenda est …

  9. Cookie-cutter script in 5, 4, 3, 2……

    –Dindu nuffin’!
    –Was turning his life around
    –Was entering an accelerated honors program at Harvard in the fall that would given him a Ph.D. in Race Studies in five years.

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