‘They think I’m here to look for my birth certificate!’ Obama cracks birther joke on visit to father’s homeland – IOTW Report

‘They think I’m here to look for my birth certificate!’ Obama cracks birther joke on visit to father’s homeland

After his little joke he started lecturing Kenya about homosexuality.

Daily Mail-

‘When you start treating people differently, not because of any harm they are doing to anybody but because they are different, that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode.’

‘[If] somebody is a law-abiding citizen, going about their business… and not harming anybody… the idea they are going to be treated differently or abused because of who they love is wrong. Full stop.’

In response, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, who was standing beside Obama, declared that gay rights are a ‘non-issue’ in the country, and that the matter is far from a priority for Kenyans.

He said that while the U.S. and Kenya agree on a lot, there are some things that cultures or societies just don’t accept. It is difficult to impose beliefs on people that they don’t accept, he said.

He added that after Kenya deals with other, more pressing issues such as terrorism, it can begin to look at new issues. But he said for the moment, gay rights is not at the forefront for the country.


28 Comments on ‘They think I’m here to look for my birth certificate!’ Obama cracks birther joke on visit to father’s homeland

  1. My family has adopted a child from another African country. The process has stalled, due to their misgivings about what kind of country they are sending children to. Every time it’s suggested that Obama should engage their leadership directly on the topic, I picture him making an ass of himself like this and confirming their worst fears about our societal decline. He certainly has eroded a lot of global trust and goodwill.

  2. “…[If] somebody is a law-abiding citizen, going about their business… and not harming anybody… the idea they are going to be treated differently or abused because” they believe in the Bible and refuse to act against their beliefs “is wrong”

    FIFY – King Barry the Gay

  3. As an American, I for one am extremely grateful that the POS that reps this country thinks that the right for one man to stick his hoohaa in the poop shoot of another is our most important export. What a dick nose. Clearly there no more important issues than a humans right to degradation. We are a friggin laughing stock. Now Kenya realizes how unfortunate that the idiot son returns. Where’s Al Shabab when you need em.

  4. His lecture on American slavery is misplaced! Due to his so-called heritage, his cruel and depraved ancestors were the sellers of their fellow Africans into slavery (His folks, therefore condemned his fellow Africans to the punishment of eventual American citizenship) It would be interesting to know how many Kenyans would now like to immigrate to America notwithstanding Obungo’s hatred for it?

  5. I can never understand “African American” Now “Irish American”, or “Italian American ,” I can understand. You meet a guy in a bar.
    OO Pisan da dove veini? Oh vengo da Bassano. e Tu? Oh Io vengo da Milano.. Paichere!

    “where are you from buddy? Cavin, yourself? Cork. How long you here? ten years. Love it Same here.

    African American . Yoo Bro where you from? South Carolina man.
    No I mean where you from like in Africa?

    Oh I get you, well my people came from Africa, or Jamaica, I’m not sure.

    Any idea what part of Africa you all came from?


  6. Jug Ears is there to pretend that his drunken communist father , fuck anything with hair that moves, should be looked up to.
    This little freak is determined to destroy this coun. try in the name of his drunken idiot father.
    Black man fucks white woman and leaves a shit stain behind.

  7. When you start treating Christians like slaves and criminals, and force them to violate their religious beliefs by catering to mentally ill sexual deviants, . . .

    “that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode.”

    F*ck*ng hypocrite bastard.

  8. Whole lot of qualifiers in that diatribe.

    Who defines “harm?”

    Homosexuality “harms” society.
    Illegal invaders “harm” the economy and civil society.
    Perversion “harms” civilization and destabilizes society.
    Izlam is satanic and “harms” the body politic.
    Socialism is anathematic to our Constitution and “harms” the Republic.

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