They Told Her Her Baby Was “Incompatible With Life” and Recommended Abortion – IOTW Report

They Told Her Her Baby Was “Incompatible With Life” and Recommended Abortion

An amniocentesis was requested by a 40 year-old pregnant woman’s doctor. The results were devastating. She was told her baby was “incompatible with life,” and termination was strongly suggested.

The woman emphatically said no. For weeks she prayed to God for divine intervention. Read what happens next.

Via Supernightshade in The Bullpen

16 Comments on They Told Her Her Baby Was “Incompatible With Life” and Recommended Abortion

  1. Look how quick this doctor was willing to terminate a life. No mention of doing a second or further tests. This doctor should have lost her license to practice. Some oath they take! Butcher would be more accurate.

  2. I often think that doctors of the future will look upon our current medical practices and mutter about “witch doctors” and “superstitions”.

  3. Thank you for accepting this post, BFH, it means a lot to me, as I’m sure you know by now.

    …This is the kind of thing that scares the hell out of me, especially in the modern world where they are actually contemplating murdering babies AFTER they are born.

    …I have posted here several times about when my son was born with a surprise cleft lip and palate, and what my extremely shitty and cowardly young new father reaction to that was, so I won’t bore anyone with a repeat of the details here. This story and the bent of modern “medicine” concerns me in the context of MY experience, though, because but for the poor imaging quality of early ultrasounds, I may have had to stand before the Lord and my son’s spirit as his murderer today.

    …in my personal experience, we did all the new parent things, including getting the imaging studies and amniocentesis (which was still sometimes done on a semi-routine basis then, and there were other reasons I won’t go into here for that), and nothing showed up in either of those except a healthy developing penis, which back in the day when you actually ACCEPTED that biology=sex meant “It’s a BOY!”, and I couldn’t have been more pleased. I even went out and got a big blue box of cigars with that legend on them, and handed them out freely (they were terrible cigars, BTW, and I still have some of them 20 years later, my son got a kick out of it when I gave HIM one).

    Anyway, given my very negative reaction when he first put his not-quite-complete face into the world and drew his first breath through a cleft lip, as much as it disgusts me to say this about my younger self, I doubt I would have done the honorable thing and allowed him to be born, had the imaging of the day been as high-res as it is NOW and showed us trouble on the horizon.

    The doctors even THEN, even AFTER he was born, were not encouraging. They said things like, it might mean he’s blind, deaf, retarded, he may never walk, talk, get out of diapers, be a functioning human being, because people with clefts SOMETIMES have these OTHER problems as well.

    I don’t know what my WIFE would have done. I love her too much to have EVER discussed with her what a heel her husband was, at that time and in that place…and it’s also possible that HER answer might scare me as well, were I to ask.

    So I don’t.

    So, to make a long story less long, were it left to me, in that time and place, when I young, healthy, stupid, arrogant, and without the Lord, and looking at a POTENTIALLY crippled, defective son that all the doctors were telling me I was useless and would be difficult to brag about with my buddies because of his appearance, not to mention the demands that caring for an imperfect child would put on MY busy schedule, and – MOST IMPORTANTLY – being without the Lord at that time, I’m pretty sure I know what I would have done.

    I would have committed infanticide in the womb.

    I would have justly condemned myself and my wife to hell.

    I would have denied my entire family, aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas and cousins, the joy and the blessing that my son has been.

    I would have prevented all the lives HE has touched, from being touched by him.

    I would have denied him his right to exist.

    And for NOTHING, for a COSMETIC problem, for a repairable issue that IN NO WAY prevented him from participating in Life.

    …NONE of those horrible, terrible things the doctors imagined came to pass. NONE of their nightmare scenarios attained. My son was different from other children in appearance ONLY, seemed to be smarter than many with NO “special ed” supports if grades were anything to go by, learned to walk and was potty trained EARLY, and was only delayed in talking by healing the incompleteness of the cleft.

    I won’t say there weren’t challenges. He had 3 major surgeries before he was 1, and has had some throughout his life, including one that he had last year that almost KILLED him because of postoperative care cowardice on the part of a nurse, and is looking at another later this year (Some surgeries in cleft kids have to wait until their growth is definitely over, is why), and his mother, myself, and his girlfriend of several years (yep, he’s COMPLETELY normal and functional, thank you very much) will be there to stand by him for that, too,

    And you know what?


    …My story differs from this lady in THIS story in that SHE had the Lord, and I did NOT; HOWEVER, as I have testified in these pages before, I firmly believe the Lord sent me people who had children with MUCH WORSE problems to the smoking area at the hospital where I had my pity party, so one of God’s weaker vessels who didn’t even acknowledge him at the time could pull up his pants and act like a father.

    God was in it.

    It was likely God that blurred the image too, and kept the doctor from being too interested in that area, especially since there was no family history, so why look?

    And in doing so, God kept me from craving to commit the ultimate sin and deny my son everything he ever had, and ever WILL have.

    God was there. And to HIM be the glory.

    …these doctors today are MUCH worse, very quick to suggest you pull the abortion handle and flush your less-than-perfect children like they’re some sort of easily replaced, cheap Chinese electronic device. Obamacare ruined many things about modern medicine, and I think the most grievous thing it did was destroy medical ethics about babies and drive old guard doctors who built a respect for the sanctity of life out, along with Christian doctors afraid of lawsuits for not recommending abortions if you didn’t like that you were having a son instead of a daughter, or vice versa.

    Obama was the devil’s finest instrument to date, and has many, many medically slaughtered babies to discuss with the Lord at his final judgement to his “credit”. As he should.

    I thank and praise the Lord that I do not have to explain one of MY OWN, why I rejected His gift and ordered the murder of His soul that He was entrusting ME with.

    As this lady in this story surely does.

    …do not TRUST doctors. Do not BELIEVE doctors. Doctors do not know EVERYTHING, and doctors are subject to convenience and politics, and DEFINITELY to HUMAN error.

    Trust rather the Lord.

    HE is constant. HE is good. HE will see you through, and HE will not give you more than you can handle.

    HE has certainly proved that to ME. Not that he HAS to, but in His grace and mercy, He did ANYWAY.

    …I weep though, for those who do NOT have Him, and may be presented scary images and grave stories like this, and be given an awesome choice to make, a choice too terrible for ANY human to make properly. I ask that God send people to strengthen THEM as he sent people to strengthen Godless ME way back then, when it was needed MOST.

    And mostly, I pray that HE ends the scourge of abortion.


    Lord, please touch all those who need You to have the conscious to let their own children live.

    And everyone, reach out to expectant parents yourselves, help THEM if you ever hear of anything like this, and share these stories if it will help. You will be rewarded in Heaven and on Earth by the blessing of a new soul that’s allowed to BE.

    Thank you for your patience, I know I’m too long, but I just can’t thank God enough.

    God Bless,

  4. Thanks SNS for coming out of the Bullpen with this story of hope and encouragement. God has the answer and we are to trust Him although it is sometimes difficult. The LORD is my shepherd.

  5. I was a pro choice person in college until I had a professor who told us the story of the doctors telling him that his unborn daughter was going to be brain dead. There was some black mass in her cranium and she was all but going to be dead or a burden to you so abort her.

    Then he said she had just celebrated her 11th birthday, was healthy and happy, etc.

    Somehow, the impartial doctors keep being wrong in the same direction.

  6. @ SNS
    Once again you have been able tell a story of truth that you have been through. You always seem to be able to admit when you’ve made mistakes. I always read your comments with great interest, I usually get a new perspective on things or how things work in the footpath in life that you’ve taken along with other people on this site, I guess we’re mostly older here on this site and we just don’t care what people think about us? I’m still learning how not to care, a very important virtue. BTW how’s your knee? Are you back at work?

  7. Before it goes to page two…

    Without being verbose may I suggest the ripple effect be remembered.

    My twins in 87′ were born two and a half months premature. While the amniocentesis suggested things would be “normal,” before and after the birth much negative was presented to “prepare us” for what might be.

    Long story short…
    Now a doctor and a nurse who have saved and improved MANY lives, who can also go forward to improve and help in the lives of others.

  8. Cliche Guevara
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 11:35 AM
    “I was a pro choice person in college until I had a professor who told us the story of the doctors telling him that his unborn daughter was going to be brain dead. There was some black mass in her cranium and she was all but going to be dead or a burden to you so abort her.

    Then he said she had just celebrated her 11th birthday, was healthy and happy, etc.”

    …thank you for sharing that, it just shows that best medical advice isn’t always GOOD medical advice.

    …as to THIS,

    “Somehow, the impartial doctors keep being wrong in the same direction.”

    …well, there’s one possible reason the do that.

    …believe it or not, as disgusting as it is, it’s actually possible to sue a doctor for “Wrongful birth actions”…

    “As medicine, science, and the law continue to develop, lawsuits for wrongful birth and wrongful life are increasingly being recognized. Wrongful birth actions are brought by parents to recover for the birth of an unhealthy child. The parents’ right to recover is based on the defendant’s negligent deprivation of their right to not conceive the child, or to prevent the child’s birth. In contrast, wrongful life actions are brought by the child but parallel a wrongful birth cause of action. Both kinds of cases generally involve medical evidence and damage studies that focus on the life-care needs of a disabled or ill child.”

    …notice you only hear about in in an article on TAX CONSEQUENCES. No morals or ethics allowed.

    …so it’s in the DOCTORS best interests to severely lower your expectations

    Not YOURS.

    CERTAINLY not your CHILD’S.

    …much medicine is defensive medicine, and medicine fosters a worst-case mentality anyway.

    So I can’t say I don’t understand it.

    I can only say I despise it.

  9. Anonymous
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 11:48 AM

    “My twins in 87′ were born two and a half months premature. While the amniocentesis suggested things would be “normal,” before and after the birth much negative was presented to “prepare us” for what might be.

    Long story short…
    Now a doctor and a nurse who have saved and improved MANY lives, who can also go forward to improve and help in the lives of others.”

    …thank you for sharing your story, Anon, and for pointing out that listening to doctors would only have deprived us of MORE doctors.

    …so many lives they made better, and so much good that would have been lost if you went the “easy” way, and what a blessing you would have missed.

    Thank you for them, and for doing the right thing regardless of such dour predictions.

    God Bless,

  10. Toenex
    FEBRUARY 9, 2020 AT 11:43 AM

    …thank you for your kind words, even though I know long timers like yourself must be tired of this story by now. I just want everyone to know the Lord is good for everyone, even a heel like me, and to Him be the glory.

    “BTW how’s your knee? Are you back at work?”

    …I only had 2 sick days, so that’s all I missed. I’m it for my family right now until my son heals, so I lean on a cane in the physical world and on the Lord in the spiritual, and its enough to get by, for now. Happily the Lord gave me a high pain tolerance, too, not that I can’t feel it, but I just don’t give in to it. Still, I pray for healing and may get it through surgery, if that’s where He points me.

    God uses doctors, too. Their hands are a gift from Him.

    …so thank you, and keep me in your prayers as I will you.

    God Bless,

  11. My sister was pregnant with her 2nd child. She was told the same thing. Baby has a tumor in her brain, Dandy Walker Syndrome usually pairs with a Trisomy variant, best to abort, not compatible with life or at the very least profound deficits. My sister was raised Catholic and told them all to piss off. She had to travel from Alaska to Michigan to deliver her daughter Hannah. Hannah is amazing. She swam in state competition representing her high school 3 years ago, and is in nursing school now.

    My middle daughter showed nothing on the prenatal scans. She has Sturge Weber Syndrome. Fairly functional but will probably never live by herself.

    This is God’s realm for decisions. Not ours.

  12. …thank God your sister was a wise woman, @Hoo Hoo Nay Nay, and trusted God over doctors. Her faith was well rewarded.

    My heart goes out to you on your daughter. I had to look that one up, and it does sound pretty consequential. I’m sure that her diminished capability in no way diminishes your love for her, though, and thank God she has you with the strength and medical training to helo her through life.

    I can’t pretend to know your situation, but I know that long term quality of life prognosis can be something else doctors can get wrong.

    I notice that one possible sequale is blindness, and that puts in my mind when they told my niece’s new parents that their baby girl had a Prader Willi variant that was especially nasty because it would make her blind, mentally disabled, and hopelessly obese, and that she’d probably die early and never be able to function as a complete, self-determining person.

    …well, she’s had weight challenges all her life, true, she isn’t the sharpest kid, and she is in fact going blind.

    But she’s also living on her own, holds down a full-time job, arranges her own transportation to that and wherever else she needs to go, and is in her 23rd year on Earth with no sign of impending death.

    …doctors,what do they know.
    The nurses do all the work anyway, wouldn’t you agree HHNN?;)

    The prayer list is long just in this thread, but my Lord is bigger than all of it. May God bless those two extraordinary young ladies you speak of, and may He bless and strenghten you with all you need to carry on and see the destiny He has planned for your daughter.

    …as you say, you never know, He may have something special in store for you both yet…

  13. I had a feeling that the story was going where it went.

    My pre-me is just called me to tell me how her university exam went. And my other Hi-Risk just got back from Sunday volunteering at his High-school helping the teachers.

    Great ending to a disturbing story!


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