They took it to 11: Prayer loudspeakers in Turkish city broadcast smutty film audio – IOTW Report

They took it to 11: Prayer loudspeakers in Turkish city broadcast smutty film audio


March 26 (UPI) — A Turkish mayor promised an investigation after public loudspeakers in at least one neighborhood broadcast the audio from a pornographic film.

A witness in the Kuzeykent neighborhood of Kastamonu captured video of the loudspeakers, which are normally used to broadcast Muslim calls to prayer, about 1 a.m. Wednesday as they played what appeared to be the audio from a pornographic film at a loud volume.

The 53-second video, which featured the sound of amused witnesses laughing, quickly went viral on YouTube.

Kastamonu Mayor Tahsin Babas promised an investigation in a Facebook post.


15 Comments on They took it to 11: Prayer loudspeakers in Turkish city broadcast smutty film audio

  1. I bet the braying of the tijuana donkey show is what woke everyone up. Damn donkeys. 🎯 Bullseye! HELLO, endogan, can you shut your wife up? We’re all sleeping right now!

  2. I think I heard her screaming for allah. I’m sure of it. And the kids that videoed it are the ones the did it, why do you think it found its way to you goat tube. It’s starting, and the world will be a better place. 🌋🤡🔥🤙👽🏀.

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