Think Tank Wants To Study ‘LGBT2SQ+’ Challenging ‘Heteronormativity’ In The Arctic – IOTW Report

Think Tank Wants To Study ‘LGBT2SQ+’ Challenging ‘Heteronormativity’ In The Arctic

DW: The Arctic Institute issued a call for researchers to submit papers for a series examining “heteronormativity” in the far northern portion of the planet.

The nonprofit think tank, which exists to develop economic, military, and health security policy for the Arctic, asserted that “queerness and Indigenous” identities in the region have often been diminished. Analysts are therefore assembling a series of papers called “Queering the Arctic” to examine the role of “queerness” among native populations.

“How are queer people in the Arctic challenging well-established systems of heteronormativity? To what extent are they suffering from societal, cultural or structural shortcomings and how are they using their resources to overcome them?” the group asked in a press release. “With these pointed questions, we want to challenge deficiency-oriented, ethnocentric and neoliberal approaches and invite authors to create a space to identify ‘Hope Spots’ from Indigenous and queer feminist perspectives, may it be artistic, academic, analytical or narrative.” more

21 Comments on Think Tank Wants To Study ‘LGBT2SQ+’ Challenging ‘Heteronormativity’ In The Arctic

  1. ..we want to challenge deficiency-oriented, ethnocentric and neoliberal approaches and invite authors to create a space to identify ‘Hope Spots’ from Indigenous and queer feminist perspectives.

    Can anyone translate this into Engrish?

  2. “Can anyone translate this into Engrish?” -Wild Bill

    Yes. They want to find out who’s reverting to normal heterosexual behavior due to the northern Aurora’s ionospheric discharge into Liberal vaginas that normally act queerer than proton-charged snot in a stinky Karen.

  3. And I might add gobbledygook as well. Go ask Alice, the descent down the rabbit hole of the meaninglessness of everything is their mantra and their words peak where nothing intentionally makes any sense. Words mean things and have specific meanings; this is all total bs to confuse people so that they are controlled by the elites who keep coming up with this garbage to further their radical left agenda.

  4. Here’s $50,000. Put on this parachute.
    We’ll drop you off “here”, a village is supposed to no more then an hour or two walk “that way”, they have all your supplies. And they’ll be your study group.
    Have fun, good luck, we’ll see you next spring.
    (and the study “scientists” disappear into the wilderness, never to be seen or heard from again)

  5. “queerness and Indigenous” identities in the region have often been diminished.

    Queers have an open invitation at 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480. They will have a place to go ITSHTF. There will be a buffet of steak tartar, oysters, playing to the sounds of The Village People! Arms wide open, come on in!


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