This Certainly Looks Like J6 Detainee Was Inside Operative – “Arrested” So as To Appear to Be a Rioter – IOTW Report

This Certainly Looks Like J6 Detainee Was Inside Operative – “Arrested” So as To Appear to Be a Rioter

15 Comments on This Certainly Looks Like J6 Detainee Was Inside Operative – “Arrested” So as To Appear to Be a Rioter

  1. When you know govt buildings have magnetic door locks that have to be unlocked by security inside the building, it’s clear the day was a setup.
    The videos just confirm the Deep State operation.
    That “prisoner” knew how to bend over enough to have the cuffs taken off too.
    I hope the J6 prisoners sue. That’s one taxpayer funded bill I won’t complain about.

  2. “FALSE FLAG” ops have been done for thousands of years!

    3 “famous” False Flags of the last 125 years:
    1. Main bombing 1898.
    2. Reihstag fire 1933
    3. J6 Insurrection

    1. TeddY R.
    2. Adi
    3. Gwb/AG Garland.

    In none of the cases has guilt been “proved”. In the first 2 many ASSUME guilt; but conclusive “proof” has not been shown.

    I am sure Bush and Garland have “covered their tracks” and again many will ASSUME guile; but it will not bed proved.

    For Anglophiles “Guy Fawkes” 1605. Also assumed not proved!

    I am conservtive so I will assume GWB/Garland set this up; But I have watched conniving “Dubya” for 35 years; he is bereft of morals but has brains! Which is why he had Adam and Liz help cover his tracks!

  3. @Sarthurk – “…So when the F**K is Nancy Pelosi arrested for TREASON???…”

    Not happenin’ in this world bro – her judgement will come within seconds of her corpse reaching room temperature.


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